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Brielle put on a small, fake smile as she walked up to Colby, who was standing at the front door to the lawyers office

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Brielle put on a small, fake smile as she walked up to Colby, who was standing at the front door to the lawyers office. She put her sunglasses on her head and gave him a hug before taking a deep breath. Today was the day that they would find out if they could get an annulment, or if they'd have to stay married. At this point, it really didn't matter anymore to Brielle, she was there because she didn't want Colby to find out about her situation.

"Hey, you ready?" He asked her as they walked inside and took a seat.

"As ready as I'll ever be." She nodded.

Colby could tell that something was up with the woman that he had grown very close to, but he didn't want to ask her right before their hearing incase it would distract her, or make her upset.

"Brielle Murphy and Colby Lopez." A woman said as the two stood up. "You both can follow me."

As they walked into the lawyers office, the both tensed up. It was like they realized at the same time that they could possibly not get this annulment and be married for a longer period of time.

"Okay, I'm going to get right to the point, since these files were sent to me about the situation of the marriage." The lawyer said. "Since it is evident that neither of you were sober at the time that this marriage took place, I am going to grant you this annulment."

A breath that Brielle didn't realize she was holding in escaped her lips and she looked over at Colby who just sat there. Maybe he needed time to process it, or it didn't hit him yet. Who knew?

"But you both need to remember that marriage is a bond that too many people take way too lightly these days. I expect that you two will think long and hard before getting married again."

They both nodded and shook the lawyers hand before walking out of the office in silence. When they got outside, a swarm of paparazzi surrounded them and Brielle put her sunglasses back on. Colby put his arm around her back, like her normally did when paparazzi were there and tried to get them to stop asking questions.

"Brielle, its a sad day, Seth Rollins dumped you. What do you have to say?" One reporter asked.

"Guys please stop. Its been a hard day." Colby said as he took her hand and ran down the steps to her car as they continued to ask questions.

He opened the door to her car and she got in the drivers side. He went around the other side and got in as the paparazzi knocked on their windows and doors, kept flashing their cameras and screaming at them.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned because she had been so quiet in the office and now coming out.

"None of this matters anymore." She shook her head. "I caught Brian and Alysia in bed having sex. According to them, its been going on for a while. The wedding is off."

Colby's face immediately softened and he put his hand on her arm. "I'm really sorry to hear that. You deserve way better than that."

"Its okay. I guess it was a blessing in disguise or else I would have married him and they would have kept going on with this affair." She shrugged.

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