Chapter 23: Love Hurts [Stalker]

Start from the beginning

Just before coming, I would rub myself a little and shoot my milk with her hole as my target practice. Afterwards, I would put on a new pair of panties for her and take the old ones with me before leaving.

That was my routine until she suddenly moved away for some reason. I followed her to her new address and got past her new security. I slipped some sleeping medicine in her drink again and waited until she slept.

This time, I decided to pleasure myself on her face. Just as I came on her face, she woke up for whatever reason. I could not have her making noise, so I silenced her mouth with some duct tape over and taped her wrists together.

"Did you miss me, ****?" I asked her as I caressed her cheek.

She grew up so well in the amount of time that it took for me to find her after she moved. It was only a month, but it felt like an eternity since I last saw her.

I quickly moved her shirt over her head and got a look of her full beautiful breasts in front of me. I greedily kissed and massaged the soft mounds and pulled down her shorts and underwear.

Her skin was just as beautiful and soft as I remembered. I began licking at her sex. Her body twitched incessantly as I did so. I then inserted my fingers into her tight valley. She seemed to scream at the pain but eventually started to accept my fingers and even came on her own. She was so incredibly cute when her body twitched because of me.

"I love you, ****," I said as I moved the tip of my penis towards her sweet honey pot.

She seemed to scream a bit more when my tip began spreading her apart. She must really like it...

"Are you awake, ****?" her father asked as he knocked on her door.

Her father?

Her father opened the door and immediately beat me to the ground when he saw me.

"Papa, stop! He will die if you keep hitting him," my Angel pleaded as she held her father back.

"Why should I let him be? He did such a thing to you!" her father screamed at her.

"Even so, he did save me before...If you turn him into the police now, won't his life be ruined?" she said in tears. "I do not want to ruin Teacher's life."

After that, her parents put up a restraining order against me, but I knew that it was just temporary because she was still young. Our love was meant to be after all.

When I found her again at the time she grew older, I saw her walking with a man on the streets one day. He was much too old for her and even dared to hug her once.

While I was gone, she was no longer my pure Angel...

I went to her home and wanted to confront her about her relationship with that man, but my body moved faster than my words and I ended up killing her with my own hands.

I checked her corpse to see if she was still pure and sure enough she was still untouched and pure like the day I met her.

Without knowing anything, I jumped to conclusions and killed her with my own hands...

Regret filled my entire body. All I wanted to do was die. I swore to love and cherish her from the end of time and ended up being the harbinger of her end!

A few moments after that, my head was struck behind me. I soon found my brain matter smashed and flying all around me.

Despite my last moments in this world, I wanted to touch her hand one more time. Sadly, even God could not grant me that last wish...

The world went dark after that.

When I woke up, I found myself laying in the middle of a large bed and my body being squeezed at my core. On top of me, a stark naked woman was bouncing on me greedily like a bunny. I found it incredibly unpleasant and pushed her off of me.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"Don't you remember me? I am **** a prostitute you hired," she said.

I was suddenly hit by a strong headache. The memories of a stranger were suddenly implanted into my head. The owner of the body I was in belonged to a rich playboy and the world I was in now was completely different than the one I came to knew all my life. When I looked into the mirror, I saw that I had stark white hair and red eyes.

"Where is ****?" I demanded.

"I have never heard of that name before," she said.

I was in a world without ****...

This is Hell.

I soon wrote down some descriptions of her and handed it to the woman.

"Give me a girl with those descriptions," I ordered.

"These are really rare descriptions. We do not have anyone ready to serve you," the woman said.

"If she is rare, that means you do have at least one girl," I said coldly.

"W-We certainly have a girl with these descriptions, but she is not ready to receive customers," the woman said.

"I will pay," I said as I threw money at her.

A few moments later, a little girl with blonde hair and light blue eyes appeared. Only her hair color resembled ****, but that was enough for my longing heart.

"It is my first time serving a customer," she said as she lowered her head.

She could not be much older than a ten years.

"I won't go easy on a first timer," I said as I threw her on the bed roughly.

The girl screamed for hours as I held her in my arms. After awhile, she stopped making a sound and became silent like a doll. I found it more tolerable that way since I would not have to hear her screeching voice anymore.

I tossed her aside after I was done using her and went home. The next day, I requested for her. I soon found out that she had jumped from the window and killed herself after I left.

Girls with nearly platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes were exceptionally rare. Unfortunately, the first girl I held was the one who looked the closest to ****. I just settled with just having a blonde girl with their faces turned away in my bed every few days after that, but nothing could satiate my lust or fill the void in my heart.

I terribly missed **** to the point I was going crazy.

One day, someone sent me a painting of my Angel with her information. She had the same shade of blonde hair but had lavender-colored eyes. Her new identity was Lilian Lemaire.

I knew that our love was meant to be! Our love transcends even death!

It won't be long until you are mine...

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