Hunted (Part Two)

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You were humming to yourself as you read a book you'd found. Your food was taking so long to cook that you'd taken to sitting on the counter, swinging your legs as you read. "Well, I thought something good was cooking, I didn't think the meal would be so delicious." Klaus said with a playful wink as he and Elijah came in.

You smiled at what Klaus said but found yourself far too flustered to even look Elijah in the eye. All you could think of was drinking a lot, kissing Elijah, teeth on your neck and suddenly Rebekah taking you home.

Elijah seemed highly amused by the fact that you hopped down and seemed to flee to the other side of the kitchen.

"I heard that you and Elijah had some fun last night. Shame I wasn't invited." Of course Klaus would want to stir the pot. Peeking over the island counter you glared at Klaus who wiggled his eyebrows and smirked at you.

"We all had a good time." You answered quickly. You wanted nothing more than for your food to hurry up, that way you could shove it on a plate, and flee up into your bedroom.

"Yes, I even heard you had some wonderful dreams." Klaus added. When you looked at Elijah he was curiously flipping through the book you'd been reading. He was still, very clearly, listening to the conversation though.

"I have lots of interesting dreams." You said wearily as you stood up and frowned at Klaus.

"Hmm, About any of us?" He asked, pressing the question.

"What! No!"

"Are you sure, not even one about Elijah, last night?" Klaus taunted and grinned when you went stiff and sputtered. Elijah was now looking curiously at you. Without any answer you rushed out of the room.


There was a knock on the door and when you opened it, hoping for Rebekah, Elijah smiled down at you.

"I thought you might want this." Elijah said as he held the plate of your lunch. He also offered you your book.

"Thank you." You said quietly, taking them both and setting them on your bed. You hadn't invited him in, but you hadn't slammed the door in his face, so Elijah staying in the doorway. "About yesterday."

"I must apologise for my behaviour, After a run in with my mother, I am struggling to... keep myself in character." Elijah said politely. He fiddled with the cuffs on his shirt and you frowned. You weren't sure what that meant, they'd tried to keep you away from Esther. But you smiled and nodded.

"It's fine Elijah. I should have um. Had some more self control." You said and smiled when he seemed relieved that you weren't angry about the night before.

"If I could. I would like to make it up to you. Perhaps a proper date." Elijah asked and you nodded.

"I think I can control myself well enough to have a nice date with you." You said in agreement. He chuckled as he nodded, leaving you to finish your food as she gently shut your bedroom door.

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