Forget Me

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"Elijah please don't." You whispered as you looked at him.

"I have no other choice (Y/N) ... my brother has turned our home into a battle ground and I will not have you caught in the middle of his misdeeds." He said with a straight face.

He tried not to let the tears trickling down your cheeks bother him, his hands resting firmly on your hips, knowing that if he let you get any closer he'd cave and keep you with him even if it wasn't safe. Your hand stroked over his cheek and moved to straighten his collar, slowly teasing down the end of his tie as all hope of changing his mind finally left you.

"Please don't Elijah, what if I never remember any of this or I find someone else?" You whimpered and he swallowed as your hands fell to your sides.

"That's what I want for you, safety and a normal life." Elijah explained and you stepped away from him, making him regret his decision in the first place.

"Then you have to promise me you'll come back and let me remember." You said after some silence and Elijah nodded as he kissed you for the last time.

"On my honour you have my word." He smiled and tilted your head up to look at him. "You will forget me, my family and that there is anything more than the Mundane day to day life you had before we met, even if we should pass in the streets you will not remember me."

"Brother what are you staring at?" Kol sighed as he headed off to find the others.

Elijah didn't answer but continued to stare at the small boy who'd been playing in the Quarter for most of the afternoon. He looked familiar but he couldn't place just what it was about the boy that had him wracking his brain for where the familiarity came from.

"Elijah, where are you darling?" Your voice cut through the busy buzz of the Quarter so clearly Elijah assumed he'd imagined it until he spotted you hurrying towards the boy.

"Here I am Mommy." The boy called out and rushed to your side.

"You mustn't run off like that I was worried I'd lost you!" You gasped and bent down to kiss the top of his head.

Elijah watched the exchanged from the doorway and the Abattoir, unable to tare himself away, he'd checked on you before and had found you struggling through but apparently happy with your life and he'd gone back to attempting to fix New Orleans for your return.

He wanted nothing more than to stop you, lead you into the room he'd left untouched, and bring you home so he could reveal all your memories. Instead he watched as you doted on your son, chatting about things he asked about, telling him to hurry or he'd be late for dinner.

"Come on darling Daddy will be home soon." You cooed to the child and he grinned, following you.

He watched you walk away hand in hand with the child, convinced that for a moment you'd glanced over at where he was stood, he hoped that you'd forgive him. Elijah couldn't bring himself to undo his work, making you remember, when you'd built something for yourself.

Elijah Mikaelson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now