Christmas Prompt ~ 2019

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When Kol gave the gift to your daughter you didn't say anything. Not only were the Mikaelson's over the moon to have another baby in the family, Hope was overjoyed to have a cousin.

She was helping the baby tear through the wrapping paper.

"Thanks Kol." You said and he smiled.

"Davina's sorry she couldn't make it, there was an emergency. I picked out the gift myself." He grinned and glanced at Hope who looked at Klaus and Hayley who had happily sat on the floor with your daughter to coo over her.

"A curse box. Interesting choice for a baby." Klaus muttered, snatching it up before either of the children touched it.

"Thank you." You said nervously.

"Don't worry, it's not just the box. There's a set of beginner spells and equipment in there." Kol said proudly as he produced a gift for Hope. She let your daughter share tearing open the gift which turned out to be a doll.

"Your brother, knows how to pick his gifts." You whispered to Elijah who chuckled.

"Why are you even worrying? The kid's just going to ignore the toy and play with the box." He said calmly. Hayley handed your daughter to Elijah before squeezing your arm, giving you a look that seemed to scream, they're nuts but you'll survive.

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