They bumped into each other

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You ran as fast as you could, cursing when things slid under your are and a glass jar threatened to escape from your clamped armpit. "She needs them right now don't you fall!" You said testily as it slipped again.

You hadn't spotted Elijah in your hurry and running into him had the same effect as running into a brick wall. While Elijah, who looked utterly confused, remain still you stopped suddenly, stumbled because you'd knocked the wind out of your body before falling onto your ass as you looked up at Elijah.

"Freya said you needed help?" He muttered before gathering the things you dropped.

"Um. No I think I'm ok!" You said as you gathered everything in your arms again. Elijah followed you, picking up things you dropped in your rush.

When you reached Freya she and Rebekah were talking quietly, stopping abruptly when you rushed in, frowning when Elijah followed behind before leaving on his way to where he'd been going before you bumped into him.

"So did Elijah help?" Freya asked as you began to sort the ingredients.

"If you intended for him to be a brick wall then yes." You muttered, feeling embraced by the whole situation.

"Oh. Well hopefully you won't bump into him again." Rebekah hummed, winking at Freya as you.

"Do you need more help?" You asked as you sat down, watching Freya work.

"No I don't think so but I know that klaus wants you, he's in the Quarter somewhere." She muttered without looking up at you.

In your rush not to keep Klaus waiting you didn't spot him dart around the room so you wouldn't see him. "She's going?" He asked.

"Yes, Elijah's meeting Marcel so you'll need to be quick or run her around." Freya said with a smile.


Klaus chose to run you around, literally. He looked angry whenever you spotted him but every time you got close he vanished in a crowd. You finally decided you'd had enough of chasing him around and ran as fast as you could as soon as you saw him.

"(Y/N)!" Elijah gasped as you ran into him again. He caught you this time and frowned, looking around when you started swearing under your breath.

"I'm supposed to find Klaus but he keeps vanishing." You complained. Elijah hummed and motioned for you to follow him as he let you go.

"It probably isn't important. If it is he'll find you, come on you've walked quite a way away from the house." Elijah muttered. He frowned when Klaus was suddenly stalking towards you both and leant on his car to watch whatever dramatics his brother was about to put on.

"You can't find me and the first thought is to run off?" Klaus snapped and frowned at you.

"I looked everywhere for you!" You wailed and glared back at him.

"Yes I know I was avoiding you but still, you just hurry off, just like that." He waved his hand in Elijah's direction.

"You. Were. Avoiding. Me?!" You yelped and Klaus raised his eyebrows while Elijah rolled his eyes.

"Oh bloody hell Klaus. This had nothing to do with our plan." Rebekah said as she appeared behind you.

"Well I'm just testing (Y/N)'s loyalties." He huffed and almost pouted.

"We'll do it another time." She grumbled, picking you up with ease as she tossed you over Elijah's car.

"What are you doing!" He gasped at his sister as he caught you princes style.

"You're cute together, I want you to be together so I'm throwing her at you because all the other attempts have failed. Make out and be cute." She crossed her arms and gave you a look as if she expected you to do exactly as you said.

"You did it! You got them together. Finally." Marcel muttered as he walked past a double took as he looked at you both.

"I've been murdered." You said dramatically and everyone frowned at you. "Death from a thousand years old vampires shipping you with their brother." You muttered and hid your face in Elijah's coat. You peaked back out with the nastiest glare you could muster when Rebekah cooed. Klaus chuckled at the look but chose to chase off the other too when he saw Elijah looking at you curiously.

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