Spooky-She's Dead

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It wasn't woman I expected.

Sure enough, I did know who the dead woman was. It wasn't Stassie but instead my mother.

"Sir, is this your wife?"



"That isn't my wife, she's my mother."

"Are you not Oscar Diaz?"

"I am. I'm just Oscar Diaz Junior. My father's dead. Now my mother's dead."

The doctor laid the white sheet back down over her decrypted blue face and she escorted me out of the room.

"What would you like us to do with the body?"

"Burn it. Throw her in the trash."

"Um sir we don't do that."

"Then what can you do with her body?"

"You could donate it to science or..."

"Done. She can go to science, she was a crackhead anyways. Use her on those brochures of what not to do."

"I'll get you the paperwork."

I sat down in this doctor's office and my heart was still beating fast.

If this wasn't Stassie where the fuck could she be?

My phone rang for a quick second and shut off. I turned it back on and there was an encrypted message on the screen.

'We're waiting Spooky.'

My phone shut off one more time before restarting like nothing had ever happened.

I was starting to make calls when the doctor came back in and handed me a stack of papers.

I signed and went on my way not processing what I had just done. I didn't care.

Someone was out to get me.

At the house homies were hanging in their spots and I went inside.

"We were waiting Spooky." A creepy voice says.

Before I could make any moves two Prophets came out of the corners of the living room cornering me to my own devices.

"Don't scream. We're here for a little pay back."

"Yeah for what your bitch did to us!" The small one says a little too loud.

Before anyone could make a move the front and back door were broken in and men in SWAT uniforms came charging in on us.

"Oscar Diaz your under arrest."

"What for?"

"For the disappearance and murder of Crown Duchess Anastasia of Russia."

"She's dead?!?!"

"Sick bastard! What did you do to her?" 

That is the last noise I heard before something or someone cracks me over the head rendering me unconscious.

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