Stassie-Deadly Games

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As soon as we got to the house everyone was outside waiting. I could feel the madness radiating from the group. I parked the car and gave Cesar a quick nod before we both exited the car. Spooky sitting on his throne on the porch stood up.

"Donde diablos has estado?" He yells.

"We went to get something to eat."

"Sorry for getting y'all worked up. It was my brothers checking in with me. They don't really know how to do it the best way possible."

"Isiotas estupidos." Spooky mumbles. "No one leaves the house unless you've spoken to me." He says louder. Cesar agreed but I just sat there.

"I'm not agreeing to that." Spooky just looks at me. "You don't have a choice princesa. I call the shots around here."

"Fine then I won't be around here for you to boss me around." I turned back around and walked to my car. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I don't know yet. Wanna test me some more Spooky?" He steps off the porch and walks towards me.

"No princesa. You don't wanna test me."

"No I think I want to. You don't know me and I don't know you so lets play." Spooky licks his lips and nods.

"So whatcha got in mind?" 

I just got in my car. "If you can find me before midnight then I'll agree to all your stupid rules except when I have business." Spooky laughs. "Alright. You go and try to hide princesa. I'll be there at midnight with your glass slipper." I just roll my eyes. 

"No going outside of a thirty miles." I nod. "This is childs play." I retort back to him.

Making a phone call to Evie I got her to trade my car for her girlfriend's truck. I have her and her girlfriend driving around in the cars the Santo's have seen. Evie parked at Julio's with the Austin Martian and Black Widow was currently parked at the beach. 

Here I sat down the street from the Santo's crib. One place they would never check was right down the street. 

Hours had passed and I called Evie.

Hey he find you yet?

E-Yeah, Cesar made me go back to the Santo's crib and have me talk to Spooky.

Don't tell him shit.

E-Nah don't worry. I told him that you were at the beach. And its five minutes of midnight so he's probably getting to Sarah right as we speak.

I doubt he went himself.

E-Hang on someone's calling me.

This bitch put me on hold. I just thank God that she's my little sister cause I'd seriously kick her ass. 

I look up and see commotion at the Santo's, Evie walking outside. I thought she had left.

E-You need to come home right now. We have to go.

She hangs up the phone.

I start the truck and pull into the driveway it was missing Martina.

"We have to go." Evie says plainly.

"Why what's up?" Evie started to cry.

"Someone killed Sarah." Evie was in full blubber mode.

I look up at the Santo's they were all starring at me. "Cesar black case in my closet grab it." He nods and runs into the house. "I'm gonna fucking ki....." Evie shook her head. "I'm sick of killing just don't please." I nod. Moments later Cesar's there with my black case. I had Cesar take Evie home. This was not something I wanted her to witness.

As I pulled up to my car, I see Spooky sitting on the hood of his right next to it. He turns and just looks sad. 

"I thought it was you for a second."

"It's....It was Evie's girlfriend Sarah."

"How are you gonna handle this?" I pull out my black case. I start my work on the car.

"I burn everything and call my brothers to come handle the rest. I call the cops and say someone stole my car and then pretend that I don't know Sarah." 

Spooky just looks at me with no emotion.

"Prophets did it."

"And I will handle that but right now we need to get the fuck out of here."


I get back into the truck. "Cause I just put a bomb in the gas tank." Spooky just runs to the drivers seat. "Vamonos." He yells.

I let him led me back to the house and right before we got there I let the trigger blow on the bomb.

"You can see it from here." I say to myself.

"Crazy hyna." Spooky stood at the truck window.

"I think I'm in shock." Spooky opens the door and grabs me by the waist. "It'll be alright." I nod. "I'm gonna go to bed."

"Don't forget to call your brothers." He says setting me down on the ground.

"Oh yeah."

I texted Connor the address and told him to wait. I looked back in the direction of where we just left. "You can still see it." Spooky nods.

"That was some crazy shit you pulled princesa." I nod.

Everyone had gone home and Cesar was asleep by now.

"Hey princesa. You win. Not that its important." I look down at my phone.

Connor: Stop doing this shit Ana. Get the job done.

"I can never win." I cry out.

I walk past the cholo and into the house locking myself in my room.

I can never win. 

I can never win. 

I can never win.

I am, who I am, and its never going to change.

I'm stuck.

Stuck in this fucked up life.

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