Spooky-Clown Car

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            The party was going great. Stassie fell asleep in my lap and I couldn't understand how she was sleeping through all the loud noises. I passed my joint around to the rest of the group and thought how perfect today had gone. Out of nowhere Ira, Connor, Evie and Stassie's phones started going off, all with the same sound. Three of them were sharing a look, which didn't look good.

"What's going on?" Stassie sleepily asked.

"Stassie we got to go." Ira said grabbing her.

Evie quickly kissed Mikey and took off after Ira who was dragging Stassie. I stood quickly and looked at Connor. "Might as well come with us." He said patting my back.

"Ready for some drama?" Connor questioned.

"I have no idea what I'm in for."

"Oh the joys of joining a new family." I nodded.

"Anyone sober enough to drive?" Ira asked.

"Hell no." The rest of us said.

"Great someone call for a car."

Evie pulled out her phone.

"I got it."

A car pulled up to the house twenty minutes later and took us to a big house in the outskirts of Los Angeles. Ira and the driver were exchanging words with each other and I didn't care. Stassie was gripping onto my arm and looked nervous.

"Yeah Ma we're here. Just open the door." I looked and the woman I briefly met in the Embassy was standing in the open front door.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Our babushka's house."


"Grandmother. This is our grandmother's house." Stassie whispered.

I climbed out of the car and helped Stassie and Evie down. Ira and Connor hugged their mom, next was Evie. 

"Ma, you remember Oscar." Stassie's mom pulled me into a hug.

"Oh I remember you. I threatened your life."

"Yes you did, ma'am." She laughed. She has a parallel smile to Stassie.

"Honey just call me, Mama Patty." I nodded.


Mama Patty escorted us into the mansion of a house.

Granite floors, sculptures embedded into the walls, floor to ceiling columns. This was the White House of L.A.

"What happened?" Connor asked.

"She just called me and said rush here as soon as possible and please call my grandchildren. Come on she's waiting." Mama Patty ushered us through a few hallways before opening up a bedroom door.

"Is that my lovelies?" An old voice asked.

"Grans." Stassie let go of my arm and ran into the room.

"Come on in everybody. This old bitty wants to see everyone." Mama Patty pushed the group of us in.

The person Stassie called Grans was an old woman propped up in bed. She looked over each of her grandchildren and then stopped on me.

"And who might you be?" I stepped forward so she could look at me.

"I'm Oscar, Oscar Diaz, ma'am." The wrinkly viejita clapped her hands and laughed.

"Patricia is this the man you were telling me about?"

"Yes, Joanna."

"Grans this is my boyfriend." I nodded my head.

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