Stassie-Meet the Family

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Just a comment about O. Diaz-Who needs Daddy Yankee, when we have Daddy Diaz? Okay sorry.

Saturday Evening

My mom called me and told me that the bosses that we met with a few weeks ago wanna talk again but this time brought in someone new. 

It helped that Evie and Oscar were already here so I could have the weighted opinions one way versus the other.

Business as usual but this time I took everyone in my arsenal. We were walking back into the meeting I had just a few weeks prior and I could tell this time was different. This time Spooky told me how to hand it. I got dressed, did my hair and makeup and waited for everyone to gather.

 I got dressed, did my hair and makeup and waited for everyone to gather

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Stassie's outfit. plus the black eye

I made sure I picked something that made me look professional and also hid my new branding. Evie stood next to me in a simpler outfit.

 Evie stood next to me in a simpler outfit

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Evie's outfit

Spooky came out in his traditional garb of a black and white flannel, a white wife beater and grey Dickie pants. "You ready?" I ask him. I look at Evie and she nodded. Spooky cocks his gun and sticks it in his pants. "Vamos."

Three of us in unison walked out of the house and into Martina. 

"Let's fuck some shit up." I said locking the door.

I stood outside the hotel with all three of my brothers, my sister and a guy I was betrothed to. We were a force to be reckoned with. I let Nicky and Ira handle the black cases that we brought to show how real we were taking this. Connor was my bagman. Evie was intelligence also an excellent fighter. And Spooky was there to Spook also kill anyone I needed dead.

"First time we all will have done a job together."

"Yeah so don't you fuck it up for me." I pointed my finger at each of them before turning around and walking into the hotel.

Walking in felt like we were the Suicide Squad 2.0. We were a group of badly raised mobsters and nothing and no one was gonna stand in our way of getting this job done.

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