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The boys cell phones started going off. Each taking their calls in different rooms. I just continued prepping the food. Ten minutes later I heard sirens outside and finally "THIS BLOCK IS ON LOCKDOWN. PLEASE STAY INSIDE FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY."

I knocked on the bathroom door and Sad Eyes opened the door. "We know about the lockdown. A homie got shot." I nodded and went back out to my food. 

"You aren't going to ask anymore questions." I shook my head. "Not my place to ask questions."

Sad Eyes opened up Cesar's room and got Mikey. 

"What do you need us to do?" I grabbed two knives. "Start cutting the potatoes." Ten minutes had gone by and we were still on lockdown and I was starting to wonder where Spooky was. "I'll be right back." I said opening my bedroom door. I called Spooky.

S-Que onda?

Where you at?

S-I'm stuck at Cesar's friend's house.

Why are you there?

S-Looking for Cesar.

Well is he there?

S-No. I haven't seen him since I gave him a task.

Well I have Sad Eyes and Mikey making food for when you come back.

S-Thank God. Fuck I got to go, Cuchillos is calling.


I hung up the phone and sat down on my bed. I say the sunset on the horizon, I think we're in for a long night.

Two hours had past and the lockdown was still going. Some of the boys out doing their Santo's tasks had made it back to the house to hide out. I was still cooking everything.

"Anything else we need to do?" Sad Eyes asked.

"Nope. No beef means vegetarian food tonight."

I pulled out some fish from the fridge. "Unless y'all want fish?"

"I don't do vegetarian," says Mikey.

"Do you want me to gut the fish?"  

"I got this." I cut down the belly and pulled out the guts and Sad Eyes started to gag.

"Hyna put that shit in the trash."

"Why you a little squeamish?" Sad Eyes straightened up and shook his head. I ran at him with the guts.

"Alejate de mi, puta!" I gave up and dropped the guts in the trash. I continued to shuck off the scaled. "Pussy." I say under my breathe.

Another hour and the lockdown was done. The boys started to pile out front and continue their nightly routine of getting drunk and high. Sad Eyes and Mikey were the last out. "Y'all want a plate?" They nodded. "You helped they didn't. No food for them." I grabbed them a plate of my grandmother's recipes.

"Perogies-cheese and potatoes, Sweet-and-sour Shchi soup, Khachapuri, fish shashlik."

Sad Eyes and Mikey took the plates. "I have no idea what you just said but it smells great." Sad Eyes dabbed me and they walked outside. I began cleaning the dishes and the counters. The door opened and Spooky and Cesar walked through. "Food please." Spooky said sitting down.

"You're lucky, I'm being nice." I made them both a plate and after explaining what everything was, they began eating. "It's good." "Thanks."

Cesar sat silently avoiding eye contact. "You broke that girl's heart didn't you." Cesar looked at Spooky and Spooky looked at me.

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