Spooky-Ten Count

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Ever since Stassie was challenged I knew she had this. 

Ever since I saw her first beat the shit out of someone, I knew she could hold her own.

If she wanted to end some beef between her and her Uncle through fighting her cousin, I knew she had it in her to make it end.

Since the first day I met her I knew she was a fighter. Hell, she has the scars on her back, bullet wounds on her stomach, to prove just that. Anastasia was a badass-fighter who could take a hit as well as deal one out.

When she stepped into the ring I was still calm. 

But when her cousin came at her after the bell rang and my heart instantly dropped.

            Stassie laid off Sasha, letting her come to her. Sasha threw punches left and right but Stassie dodged each of them. After thirty seconds everything in Stassie started to remember what to do. Stassie landed three good punches, Sasha finally landed two punches. The were taking shots at each other and everyone was cheering. Mama Patty and I kept looking at each other hoping Stassie would end this madness.

The bell went off signaling that the first round had ended. The two fighter backed into their corners and sat down staring at each other. Killing each other with their eyes.

"Didn't think I walk into this at midnight." I looked up and Cesar was standing next to me with Monse.

"Didn't think we be doing this tonight." I pointed to the women who went back to work trying to destroy each other.

"Ana, remember what I said!" Nicky yelled at her.

Sasha landed two right hooks and Stassie went in on her. Landing all types of punches. Sasha tied her up in the ropes and started landing punches of her own, she managed to cut Stass' eye.

"Ana! Now do it now!" 

            Stassie slipped out of her cousin's grasp pinching her up against the ropes and started going to town. Sasha tried to punch Stassie in the face but Stassie dodged it landing a right hook and then coming in with the left. 

Jabbing with her right hand and then striking with her left she continued punching, two more good hits before she got her. 

It was like time slowed down. 

Sasha's body went limp and Stassie backed away.


Sasha stood up before the count was over.

"LET'S FUCKING DO THIS!" Stassie yelled, as she went back in to finish off her cousin.

They fought each other on and off. Backing each other into corners wailing on each other. Stassie went back in with the same mentality as her last knock down and it worked.

Three more punches and Sasha was back down on the floor.

"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10!" Nicky yelled.

           Stassie won the fight before the second round was even over. Before anyone could move to get up, Sasha was on her feet and ready to attack Stassie.

"Stass! Look out!" Sad Eyes yelled. 

Stassie turned around and Sasha was running at her. Stassie jumped up, climbing on her cousin's back and put her in a head lock.

"Tap out!" She yelled.

"TAP OUT!" She yelled for a second time.

Sasha never tapped out and Stassie choked her out.

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