Spooky-We're Fucked

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After all the drama that today entailed I was glad to be home. Stassie came flying down the street just after I parked. She hopped out of the car and walked fast across the street. The boys who were sitting on the lawn had finally left. I appreciated the extra security but Cuchillos was getting a little too ridiculous.

"Who was that guy?" She asked out of breath.

"Which one?" I sat down on the porch and took out a cigarette.

"Not Latrelle, I know his punk ass. The other one."

"That was Latrelle's older brother, Leonidas." We were fucked, Leonidas was an OG Prophet. He ran all the illegal dog fighting in this part of California.

"He's a Prophet leader! I remember reading his name on all the profiles! Fuck! Fuck! What do we do?"

"Well I ditched your gun and called Cuchillos to tell them. They aren't happy by the way."

"No shit."

"They're calling for a truce right now. We pay them out, get them to leave us alone and get you out of town."

"I'm not leaving."

"That's not a suggestion princesa. You're not safe here now!" I growled.

"I'm not safe anywhere Spooky! Don't you get that! I go somewhere and then there's destruction!" Stassie threw her hands up in the air and landed on her head.

"What the fuck was I thinking?" She whispered.

"You protected the fam. Now its our time to protect you." I say handing her a joint from behind my ear.

"I won't let you. Its too dangerous."

"No princesa what was dangerous was us standing out in the open, distracted, like now." I stood up and grabbed her hand pulling her inside.

"What am I gonna do? I literally can't leave! My parents are gonna be so pissed." She slumped down onto the couch clutching the unlit joint.

"Well right now, you're gonna smoke that and sleep a little. Did Sad Eyes and Carmen get home okay?"

"I dropped them off and then raced back here. Give me a lighter." I flicked open my Zippo.

"You need to get one of these for yourself."

"I like fire too much, remember?" I nodded.

"Yeah, Torch."

I turned on the living room tv and sat down beside Stassie. She handed me the joint and kept looking at me.

"I have enough money to buy a house. What if I bought a safe house? Anytime someone needs to hide out we could send them there."

"That's a thought. But houses around here ain't cheap."

"I've saved every penny I ever earned. Paying for the essentials. I could sell the house in Massachusetts and buy a bigger one out here."

"Still ain't cheap."

"Do you think one point five million could buy something?" I almost choked on the smoke passing through my throat.

"YOU HAVE A MILLION DOLLARS!?!" Stassie nodded.

"Parents had to pay for my education. Harvard ain't cheap, they didn't know that I got two full rides though. So figure private school, that I didn't attend plus college tuition money, that's just under two million. I bought the house in Mass just to keep it close. Plus all the normal jobs I worked and the allowance my parents gave me for clothes and stuff. Yeah one point five."

Straight MobbingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon