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          Sometime early in the morning I heard footsteps in my house. I did what any logical person did go back to sleep. Something inside of me said get out of bed the next time I heard someone walking around. I got up and crept my door open. Evie had just walked into the bathroom. I walked over to Stassie's bedroom and there she was asleep. I let out a sigh of relief and went back into my room.

I grabbed my notebooks and GED book and started working. I had two weeks to fit four years of high school in before my test. I was stressing out.

            Cuchillos made sure to call everyone and tell them that there was a party, and everyone called me to ask what to bring. I told some of the guys to bring food, some of the girls to bring the booze. 

In particular, I made sure that I had Cuchillos get her a couple good birthday presents. They kept asking what she liked, and Evie had to tell me all she cared about was her tiara from her grandma. Cuchillos was good at giving you what you wanted but they wanted something in return. After securing that Stassie had apparently already given them what they wanted I felt better about them giving her gifts.

I heard Evie vacate the bathroom and I took that opportunity to make myself breakfast. Sacco and Mikey walked through my front door to hand me their drop money. A couple minutes later a couple more boys showed up to do the same.

"Why are these done so early?" I asked Hector as he brought me his drops.

"Stassie's party took the forefront, Cuchillos wanted us done before noon so we could start partying then." I pulled my phone out and it was almost eleven-thirty.

"Okay, what are you up to?" Hector shrugged.

"I have to go get my kids at school, Junior and Ilsa got into a fight or something. Rest of the crew is sitting out back, already wasted." I watched as he walked out just like he came in.

I was making eggs when Stassie came out of her room. Her hair was a mess and she was clearly wearing the same clothes as yesterday.


"Yeah, thank you."

I watched her pull her hair on top of her head.

"Whatcha reading?" I looked at Stassie and then my book. I didn't want her knowing what I was doing. I didn't want to get her to think less of me, so I did the most reasonable thing. I threw it into my room.

           We were having a conversation about the last couple of days when Stassie let it slip that California, Freeridge and here was now home to her. I watched her take big bites of her food to avoid talking to me. There was still a lot of unspoken hurt about Sunday's church events but we both were ignoring that.

I didn't know when the right time to tell her about the engagement ring was, but I knew that Cuchillos was coming to the party tonight, so I thought why not know.

"Cuchillos gave me this to give to you." I said while handing her the box. I watched as she opened it. Her eyes widened, her mouth opened revealing a mass quantity of eggs and I watched as she began choking on those eggs. I quickly got up to smack her back.

She told me that she didn't want the ring and I didn't blame her that was the ugliest engagement ring that they could have bought. But she needed to wear it so we both didn't get in trouble with anyone, I didn't care when she put the damn thing on other than doing it before New Year.

           Then, I let it slip that I wanted Stassie, not as my wife but I wanted to date her. I wanted everything a normal couple has. I just knew I didn't want it to be forced onto us by her parents or my bosses.

            When she said yes to asking her out, my heart started racing. I didn't know what to do. I had side chicks, maybe one girl that I ever called my ruca but never anyone like Stassie. She made me want to be a better person, she wasn't like every other hyna. 

Stassie could handle anything on her own but knew when to ask someone for help. I liked how she took care of my little brother and her siblings. I knew for a fact that she covered up many of her siblings' faults so they wouldn't be in trouble or worse, killed even. 

Stassie cared about the people she let into her life. She wasn't like every other heartless gang affiliated person. The decisions she made on a daily basis when doing business came from a place where she was concerned about everyone involved.

Stassie took a bullet to save Cesar yet that wasn't the only bullet she had taken for someone she cared about. Yet that day when she went to go save his stupid ass and came back when the slug in her shoulder I realized that she wasn't just about her and her family but anyone really. The fact that her and her brother made a blood oath too made me understand her a little better.

She had also took a beating that I sure as hell would not have wanted to receive, just so her sister could live. I couldn't imagine being beaten so badly that I would have needed to get a tattoo to cover up my scars. But she did, her entire back was scarred which meant her entire back was tattooed.

Stassie is strong, smart and brave not any bit weak, cowardly or careless. Her being here and dealing with all of the bullshit proved that to not just me but everyone around her.

Stassie was a boss in her own way and I liked that. She could dress up in the most boss ass way or she could wear sweats like right now in this moment and I'd still want her. 

I wanted this crazy princesa as my own.

I knew that this was the last hyna that I ever claim.

My head was swirling from all that had happened this morning already and when she ran into my arms, I didn't want to let go. Stassie grounded me in that moment when I held her. If her sister wasn't awake, I'd walk her back into my room and show her how much I wanted her.

Stassie also was the sweetest when she found out that I was taking my GED. She didn't judge me or yell at me for being so dumb, she told me she'd help me. I could feel myself falling in that moment.

Falling for this girl.

But she wasn't just any girl.

She was finally my girl.

HEHEHEHEHE as soon as I typed my girl I wanted to include this.


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