Spooky-She's Alive

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             It had been a week since I woke up and everything was going great. My liver was doing well, I could finally speak again. I got to eat a real meal and didn't have to have a tube shoved down my nose into my stomach. Stassie's mom stuck around to help take care of me. She was very helpful and knew what to say to get under my skin to motivate me.

Evie and Mikey took turns coming to relieve Mama P so she could go home, shower and do whatever she needed to do. Tonight it was Evie's turn and she annoyed me to the point were I didn't want to watch 'The Good Place' with her anymore. Watching it every few days had become our thing. Mikey had me watching every sports channel when he was here and Mama Patty made me go to sleep by eight p.m. like I was a five year old. 

But something about today made Evie crazy. It was a good show, not like I'd admit that to anyone but still she needed to chill the fuck out about the characters and plot line. And the kid in her stomach was fucking around with her brain.

            Nightly rounds from the nurses were over and it was lights out. They gave me my pain meds and I knocked out. Evie started sleep talking during the night and it was driving me crazy. The sun was out and morning was here so soon. I was so freaking tired but Evie speaking didn't let me sleep. I turned the tv back on to the only good thing at eight a.m., the news. 

The weather in Boston was shitty. It was thirty degrees, sleeting and cold as shit. I watched the seven day forecast which showed a huge snow storm rolling in from Canada. Man, I missed California. That least it was fifty or sixty degrees most days plus no snow was a bonus.

My eyes started getting heavy and then the speakers blared out 'Breaking News' jolting me awake once again.

"At this hour we can confirm that previously missing Grand Duchess Anastasia has been found. She left an Italian hospital and spoke to local reporters just a short time ago. She stated that she was going home and was then seen getting into armored cars with her family. The Grand Duchess was first reported missing back in January and has been held captive against her will-as stated by her father the Imperial Emperor of Russia. We want to wish a speedy recovery to her Imperial Highness and a safe arrival home."

Stassie walking away from the cameras filled the screen before the reporters moved on to the next story. I poked Evie until she woke up. She rubbed her face and looked at me so confused.

"Stassie's alive." Evie nodded.

"Yeah. I know."

"What do you mean you know? WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" She blinked a few times before she realized what she had said.

"Fuck. She called at like eleven last night, I answered the phone before I came here. Mom said to keep the info low until we could get Ana out of there safe. But I guess that was a shit plan."

"That's why you were acting weird. Why the hell didn't you tell me she was alive? I've been on fucking edge for a week now, Evie!" Anger and rage filled my head.

"Because she's gonna be held up a couple of days in Italy. Don't worry she'll be here in a few days. Right now you need to order us food." Evie handed me the breakfast brochure. "I'll have my usual." 

"What about Igor and those bodyguards?"

"Nicky and Ira took care of them. Well Igor escaped, but from what Nicky told me, Ana harmed him well enough that it could kill him."

"Well is she okay?"

"I didn't hear anything on that. Look they're playing the video again. She looks like she's holding in her breath and trying to walk cautiously. I am gonna guess that she has bruises all over her body and something is broken. Clearly Dad and Nicky are trying to cover something on her because she's wearing my old suit dress. And I used to wear that to cover up hickeys."

"Stop. To much information. Can you call her for me?" Evie grabbed her phone and clicked a few things.

When Evie handed me her phone, Stassie's photo popped up with her contact. It made my heart thump a little. It rang and rang but she didn't answer. Evie took her phone back and I turned back to the tv.

"She's probably being questioned by police. Ana is the new Casey Anthony of Italy, except she didn't kill her daughter."

"Don't compare your sister to a monster. Your brothers probably put her on a plane back to Russia with your father." 

If we couldn't keep Stassie safe here, he sure as hell wasn't gonna let her stay here anymore. Only one that could possible get him to bring her back was asleep at Stassie's house.

"Ana wouldn't go back to Russia. I know her, she's on her way here. Mom did tell her that you were shot pretty badly. No way in hell she wouldn't fight tooth and nail to get here."


Stassie was most likely on a plane to Russia by now or hell even there already. I needed to worry about me and me only.

I wanted to get back to before getting shot and worrying about her wasn't gonna get me there any faster.

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