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           My party had gone great and it made it even better that my grans had us all in a panic about her. My mom dropped some of us off at the house and everyone had cleared out. My brothers got a ride back with mom, but Evie wanted to have a sleep over. By sleep over she meant get drunk by herself in my bedroom while Oscar dragged me into his.

"Thanks for today."

"No problem. Thanks for coming back."

"Never was a question if I was coming back."

"Good. Whatcha wanna do?" I turned around and grabbed my skirt, Oscar had torn off my body before we climbed into bed.

"Wanna smoke and watch Netflix?"

"Netflix and chill?"

"Maybe." I winked at him.

"No maybe about it, princesa."

I woke up late in the morning the next day. I padded across the cold house, first time in months that the weather reached below sixty degrees. I opened up my bedroom door and saw Evie on top of someone and I screamed.

"Oh, my fucking GOD!" I put my hand over my eyes and ran out of there ASAP. I ran back into Oscar's room and he wasn't there. I slid on my skirt from last night and escaped to the backyard. I could not believe I saw my sister having sex. AND IN MY FUCKING BED! That bitch.

I started picking up cups and half-drunk bottles. I piled them onto a table when the back door opened. "Princesa let me help you." Oscar said grabbing the trash can from the side of the house.

"Did you just scream?" I nodded.

"Walked into my room and Evie was riding some dude."



"Yeah did you not see them last night?" I nodded.

"I did, just didn't think I'd walk into that, this morning."

"What do you expect? Immaculate Mary? Because you sure as hell ain't." I threw a bunch of trash at him.

"You slut shaming me, Spooky?"

"I am doing no such thing. And the name's Oscar, princesa."

"Okay Oscar. I didn't expect her to be Immaculate Mary, but Sarah did just die."

"She died months ago. Some people can move on quicker than Evie did."

"How long would you wait if I died?" I asked being the devil's advocate.

"I don't know the answer to that. How about you?"

"Took me four years to get over someone so probably years."

"Igor, right?" I nodded.

"I thought I was gonna be with him for forever. But time and certain situations didn't allow that to happen."

"What do you mean?"

"I was young, really young. Dumb, even. Plus, the whole parental disapproval didn't let us, so our relationship met its demise. How about you? Any failed relationships?

"Not really. I've messed around with a bunch of random girls but probably just one other ruca."

"Who's the two rucas?"

"Girl don't play. You know it's you and some other hyna."

"I didn't actually. I am sure as hell not going to look too much into things."

Straight MobbingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora