XX|So Far...|[M]

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Jennie's POV*

I came back to reality as he grabbed me in for a hug. Which I shyly returned since we were practically still in front of my parents. But all I saw was them smirking at me and at each other with Mino oppa.

"SO!" Mom clapped her hands. "Let's not keep the food waiting. It's fusion tonight you guys are gonna love it. Let's go kids." She led the way and I smiled shyly at dad who eyed me teasingly.

"Boyfriend huh?" He whispered and I smacked him.

"Why do boys like teasing woman. Sheesh. I don't see the point you guys. Like seriously." I walked out hearing laughs and giggles behind me.

We are now all seated quietly. Dad broke the silence however.

"So Mino. What about you? Found someone special?" He smirked and I looked to oppa.

"Not yet Appa." He acted sad and I giggled.

"And you boys?" He referred to oppa Jackson and Bambam.

"Ah, a-ani Mr Kim." They replied shyly.

"Yah! We talked awhile ago didn't we? Calling me uncle is enough."

"Ne uncle." They both replied again shyly.

Night fell upon Auckland and Lisa together as myself settled in bed. This time MY parents ask for 10 hours with Lily which leaves me again alone with Lisa.

I sat in my bathrobe on the edge of the bed while Lisa just entered the washroom to get cleaned up. Doing my night routine, I stared in the open. Smiling and thinking at how perfect my life is right now.

I didn't know how long I was out, but definitely long considering Lisa had exit the washroom. I got goosebumps as I felt his plump lips against the skin on my shoulder.

"Ooh your done?" I tried to hold my moans.

"Yea and your still in your robe. What you thinking in there?" He tapped my head.

"Nothing. Just how perfect things are so far." I gave him more space as he continued to pepper kiss my neck.

He began sucking at my sweet spot causing me to release the sounds of pleasure I've been holding back.

"B-bae. We can't..." my parents room were close I ain't risking things tonight after the last time.

Letting them hear is one thing but making Lily stay up all night was another. I'm afraid she won't get a wink too if we do 'it' tonight.

But not gonna lie, my sex was soaking wet already.

"L-Lisa... ba~" it's too late.

He claimed my lips with his. I reached behind to his nape with my right hand and pulled him close. His left hand place beside me to support himself as he kissed me from behind. And where was the other? Through my robe, rubbing my soaking pussy. I moaned his name in his mouth. But all he did was force his tongue with mine. Our saliva mixing with each other. His tongue tasting so sweet. So toxic.

"Mmm...B-babe..." I whimpered in between the kiss.

He made me needy already I can't back out now. I flinched feeling his cock growing on my ass.

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