V|I Beg Of You|

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Lisa POV*

I stared at Jennie's photo on my desk. I smiled as I stole this pic while she was walking through the school garden alone. She beautiful without even trying.

I've just washed up. Ive also dressed up, ready to head down to the office. I had been in tears ever since I woke up. Unaware and frightened of what's about to happen next the second I entered the building, let alone Mr Kim's office.

"Jennie...Jennie if this is what it takes to show you how much I love you, I'll do it. Even if it ends with me in jail. I'm sorry Jen. So sorry."

I closed my eyes and dropped the frame, grabbing my coat and keys as I exited the house.

I had my hands attached on the steering wheel as if it were glued onto them.

My forehead dripping with sweat as I walked through the office.

And my body shaking, as I knocked and entered Mr Kim's office after hearing of his presence.

"Oh Lisa, what can I do for you son?" He smiled and that pained me.

Jennie's whole family knows about me. And accepted me despite all my flaws. They took care of me when my mom was still in Thailand. And they still do since she returned every now and then. I already teared but I haven't started.

"Hey honey what's wrong?" Mrs Kim asked clearly worried.

They both approached me quickly.

I straight away kneeled before them, unable to bare the guilt that I have for them anymore.

"Uncle..a-aunty, I'm sorry...I-I'm so sorry, I raped Jen-nie...I'm sorry uncle. I thought you killed my father. I took my anger on your innocent daughter. I'm sorry aunty I made your daughter leave you..." I grabbed her hands. "I'm so sorry..uncle..I-I-I regret everything." I also held his hands. "And I understand I-if you will never forgive me. I will accept the punishment y-you have installed for m-me uncle. Yo-u can sue me, I-I won't fight back. Put me in jail f-for what I did to your daughter, uncle..aunty. Please I-I don't want to l-live anymore knowing I hurt her. Please uncle. Please aunty. I Beg Of You...do whatever it takes for you to forgive me."I bowed as I was left a mess.

I was waiting for a loud voice...or a hard hit.

But no...

I felt hands holding my cheeks carefully and soft voices talking like angels. I shot my face up. Seeing them smiling weakly.

"U-uncle..aunty?" I was dumbfounded.

"Shhhh..." Mrs Kim shushed me.

"Wipe your tears Lisa..." Mr Kim said wiping my face. "It doesn't suit a strong person like you..."


"We know honey...we already know what you did 3 years ago. Jennie called saying she was pregnant. And explained to us everything. She told us to not do anything to you...but in the first place we didn't think for one second about that. Your a sweet caring girl Lisa. Everyone makes mistakes honey." Mrs Kim held my face.

"N-no aunty you don't u-understand. I raped her aunty. I took away something from her that wasn't mine to take." I shook my head.

"But did you wanted it? And you said you regret it don't you?" Mr Kim joined in the conversation and I quickly nodded my head agreeing to his sudden statement.

I just looked down shaking my head.

"D-do you~"

"We already forgive you the moment she said you name Lisa." They smiled and I cried harder.

They hugged me close and I couldn't help but to hug back so much tighter.

"I'm sorry uncle, aunty. And thank you forgiving me despite how unforgivable my actions were. I-I promise to take care of Jennie. I won't e-ever hurt her again. I'll die protecting her from all kinds of pain. I'll make her forget her guilt about her aborting the baby. I'll do anything for her to forgive me.Even if she won't love me again." I said sincerely.

They giggled and I gave them a confused glance.

"You do what you need to do son...but no one said she had an abortion."

I froze.

"Wait, w-what? S-she d-did-nt?"

They shook their heads after looking at each other. I shook mine too.

"I'll take responsibility for both of them. I'll gladly love her and my~"


I stopped again.

"I-I have a daughter? Omg I have a daughter..."I mumble but I guessed they heard.

Mr Kim took my hands.

"You take good care of them as if they were the only people alive in this world in the first place. Your going New Zealand tomorrow morning Lisa. I'm promoting you to be in charge of my ranch there. And your going there to see her, or them, and do what you need to do." He tapped my cheeks.

She was in New Zealand the whole time?

"Thank you so much uncle and aunty...w-what can I do in repay your kindness?" I asked clutching my hands together.

"Just take care of our daughter and your daughter."Mrs Kim helped me stood up.

"Start packing son. You'll begin your hunt to find Jennie again. I can't make it easy on you dear. Furthermore I'm not sure if my daughter is ready. But for the sake of your daughter, I'll send you there to find them yourself."

"But uncle m-my studies...I'm not done yet." I said sadly.

"Don't worry we already took care of that. Your in the same University as Jennie too. Here's  your registration slip." He passed the letter to me and smiled.

I hugged them tight as I thanked them nonstop. With one last flash of a smile I ran out the building. Returned home and started packing. I've got Jackson and Bambam to come. Even my mom.

I burst through my room door and started throwing clothes onto my bed. I took the tickets they handed me and placed it in my sling bag. I held her photo and a tear fell onto my cheeks.

"I'm gonna see you again Jen. Your parents might not have wanted to put me in jail but if that's what it takes for you to forgive me yourself I'll turn myself in just for you." I said to myself and packed the frame nicely with my clothes to prevent it from breaking.
I don't really have anything to say right now. Maybe just sorry for spelling and grammar errors. Hehe. Moving so on->


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