XI|Never Again|

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Lisa's POV*

"Hey baby don't cry. Daddy will just be gone for awhile. I'll still visit princess." I kissed Lily's forehead as I stood behind.

"Promise daddy?" She held out her pinky.

I smiled and promised her. " yes baby I promise. I'll see you around baby. Bye bye." I waved her a bye as Mino Hyung took her into the house.

I faced Jennie who was averting her gaze from mine.

"Can't you stay awhile more?" She asked.

I smiled secretly.

"I need to prepare for school."

I went silent smiling while trying to stare at her face.

"I'll see you Monday Jen. It's just 2 days." I held my smile.

"Why gonna miss me?" I smirked trying to make her smile.

"Yea." She mumbled but I heard her.

I giggled and held her face up. I saw her eyes. She really will miss me. I could tell. I smiled at the thought and kissed her forehead.

"See you Monday Jennie." I gave her a wink and walked back to my car.

"Lisa..." I turned as she called me.

She came running down the stairs of her doorstep and jumped onto me. I quickly caught her and she hugged me tightly.

"W-why?" I asked stunned.

"T-take c..care." She let go and quickly went back inside without another word.

I had been smiling like an idiot all the way home. Till I reached my room.

"What's with the face Manoban?" Asked Jackson.

"Oh it's nothing." I smiled and headed in my room with my books.

Sunday Night*

Mino's POV*

I sighed as I shake her.

"Jen. Jennie wake up Jennie."

She jolted up and sighed.

"It's happening again isn't it?" She asked facing the ceiling.

"Yea. Did you even take your medicine?"

"Yes but their not helping. You know it's weird. The cause of my nightmares is the same reason I can sleep properly." She continued sighing.

"Admit it Jen. You officially can't live without him. You know is it even him in your nightmares? Or random men?" I asked her frowning.

"P-people I don't know." She stuttered.

"That's it I'm calling him over."

She stopped me.

"Are you dumb or crazy?!" She whispered loudly. "It's fucking 1am. You expect him to answer you?" She asked frustrated. " how the hell do you even have his number?"

"From dad. And you don't know him. Or what we talked about. So watch me."

"Bet 10 bucks he isn't gonna answer. Just let it go oppa I'm fine."

I dialled his number and within 3 rings he picked up.

"Hyung?" He answered with a raspy voice.

"Lisa come over Jennie is having nightmares." I eyed Jennie to sit quietly.

"About what Hyung?" He sounded awake now.

"You come and I'll tell you."

"Ok." He hung up and I smirked at Jennie.

Was It Love Or Anger?[JenLisa](Complete)Where stories live. Discover now