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Lisa's POV*

"Here you go Lisa. Your visa and passport as well as your friends and mom's one. And here's the house key." Mr Kim handed me what I need.

"Ok uncle. Anything else?" I asked putting the items in my pocket.

"So when you enter the office for work look for Dong Young-bae. His better known there as Taeyang and he'll help you on your first day and guide you."

"Take care on your trip there dear. Make us proud and handle the ranch there well. And good luck with our daughter. We are one call away yea?" Mrs Kim gave me one last hug.

"Safe flight to you too Ms Manoban."they bowed to my mother.

"Thank you. And for what you've done to help Lisa. I really appreciate it." She bowed back.

"It's nothing besides we treat her as our own kid. Now run along now I think your friends are already getting drunk in the jet. Hehe they seem excited to ride one."Mr Kim shoed me.

"Ehe sorry if they go overboard."I smiled awkwardly.

They just laughed. "No it's fine. Alright alright. Go get your future wife."

I smiled and quickly hugged them tight one last time before going up the steps of the jet. Before I could enter Mr Kim shouted for me.

"Oh and Lisa!!!"

"Yes uncle?!"I turned back.


I tilted my head.

"That's your daughters name! It's Lily with a Y!"he smiled widely.

I felt my body stiffed. daughter's name is Lily with a Y. I gave them my biggest smile and waved off.

I settled in my seat as I closed my eyes.

"I'm coming for you and our Lily." I smiled, last before drifting off to sleep.

"Monkey. Hey monkey get up."I rubbed my eyes open as Jackson's voice entered my head.

"Are we there already?"I shot to sit up.

"Hehe yes buddy let's go. Uncle's men have loaded the car. We're told that they are to send us to the house first." Bambam helped me up.

"Ok hurry then let's go." I left first after thanking the pilot too on my way out.

I stared out the window on the ride home. New Zealand Auckland, such a beautiful city. Busy admiring the quiet streets of Auckland, my eyes landed on a park. It seems peaceful. I'll make plans to visit it then...

After a while we entered a tall gate. I looked out and saw a huge mansion before us. What the~ uncle said it was a house. My god this is gigantic.

We exited the car and saw my mom and friends dazed.

"Wow I knew the Kims were rich. Lord I didn't know they were this loaded." Bambam said amazed.

"Come on let's go in boys." My mom lead the way since she had the keys.

Few hours have past and I've just finished unpacking my stuff. I walked out the balcony and inhaled the sweet Breeze that flew by. Hmm still sun up... maybe I could visit that park. I went back in my room and grab the set of car keys that uncle's men handed me. It was for the cars in the garage. I looked at the Branding. Ooh uncle has a Bugatti? Don't mind if I do.

The last thing I picked up was my phone and wallet, and after telling my mom, out the doorstep I was.

I was driving windows down. Even this time it still quiet. The people looked friendly but crazy at the same time. I smiled embracing the Auckland atmosphere. God I could get use to this.

I parked right in front of the park's gate and got off. I tossed my key into my pocket and walked in.

Lisa's POV*
There were kids running here and there. Dogs barking as they played with their owners. Elderly couples sitting on benches by the park's lake. I sighed and smiled softly while enjoying the sight of the whole place.

Suddenly I felt a slight tump on my leg. I quickly looked down and saw a little girl sitting before my feet. I quickly squatted down and helped her up.

"Ooh. Hey princess are you ok?" I asked worried and got her up to her feet.

She nodded as she dusted her little dress then she looked at me. I stared back at her confused when she gave me a surprised look.

"Hey are you ok baby? Don't worry unnie~I mean oppa won't hurt you." I smiled assuring her.

Honestly I preferred to be called oppa.

"D-daddy?" She said out of nowhere.

I eyes widen. Could it be? Wait no...

"Wait w-what did you say princess?" I back up a little.

"Your my dada. My real dada. My daddy." She smiled widely.

Before I could ask her another question I felt a wet muscle touch my arm... KUMA?!

"Hey Kuma come back here." She said.

I quickly turned up to her. After she grabbed her dog.

"B-baby...what's your name?" I waited with my heart probably being heard till the entrance of the park.

"I'm Lily. And your my dada right?" She asked with Kuma in her arms.

I didn't answer her. Instead I quickly pulled her close to me and gave her a big hug. A hug that I awaited for, for so long . A hug that I needed after all these years. A hug that made me feel a step closer to being complete. A hug that could possibly make me feel better. I felt her little arms wrap around my neck and that made me burst into tears.

"Daddy why are you crying?" I heard her said past my shoulder.

I pulled out the hug and wiped away all my tears.

"Nothing princess. I'm just, so happy to see you." I held her mandu cheeks that belonged to her mother.

"Omo your so pretty and beautiful like your mommy baby. And look at these cheeks." I said pinching them and we both giggled.

Just as I was laughing with my daughter, I heard a familiar voice to my left. I snapped my head it's direction and felt my whole world stop. I saw her... the face I have been longing to see.
What's up what's up whats up!!! KILL THIS LOVE HIT 700 MILLION TODAY WOHOOO AND IM LIKE I NEEDA POST!!! IM IN THE MOOD HAHAHAH!!So proud of the pinks!!! Hehehe. Btw hope your enjoying. I feel so so happy with the support and feedback. I hope you guys continue to love and support me. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!🥰🥰🥰

Was It Love Or Anger?[JenLisa](Complete)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt