Story Three: Theresa: Part Three

Start from the beginning

Alex drove out of the city and found a road that lead to a hill with a small facility below it. "We're here. I knew they would be here again. They are going to regret taking theresa away." Himeko then grinned "How do we infiltrate?" Alex looked down into the main entrance and saw guards standing around "Impossible to just walk in." The then looked at the roof which was at eye level. "Hey Fu Hua, can you throw me over to the roof?" Fu Hua nodded and swung her arm around "I can do that." Alex smiled "Good, I made a promise to myself to stop this mad man and I am not backing down."

Theresa eyes went dull. The last bit of hope she had left stayed firm. She didn't want to believe that Alex would abandon her. The new binds were fitted and the gag was put on her again. This time she was taken to a bedroom and was put on a bed. The door closed and she was once again left in darkness. She wondered if Alex was really going to save her.

Alex landed on the roof with a thud. He looked around and saw a small doorway leading to the stairway. He checked it and found out it was locked "Hmm, locked. Figures" Himeko then landed next on the roof and said "Found a way in?" Alex laughed "Yes but I need time." He grabbed a set of lock picks out and started going to work. It took him a few minutes but he finally opened it. "Come on were in" he whispered. He snuck down into the control room and said to Himeko "Keep watch. I'll take this dude out." Alex then pulls out a knife.

The man watched the monitor with theresa on it and he was about to say something when he felt his shirt collar be pulled back and a knife enter his throat. "You're fucked" Alex said. The man could only deliver gurgles and a mad face. "We have stopped you many times before. Do you think that this is any different?" The man tried to say something but just went limp and alex said again "That's what I thought." He then turned to Himeko "Himeko, take these." He gave her some small objects. "Take them to the bottom floor and place them on a gas heater or something that has a flammable gas."

Theresa way trying to sleep when she heard banging. After the first set she sat up. The second set happened and she saw a small light appear from the door. The door the launched off and she saw Alex standing there. "Theresa!" He said grabbing his knife and cutting the gag off.  "A-Alex?" Theresa said gaining a little less dull in her eyes "Y-you came." She tried to smile. Alex cut off the rest of the binds "Are you ok Theresa?" She shuddered and then burst into tears. She hugged Alex and in between the sobs she said "N-no, They broke me. They did terrible things to me." Alex was beyond pissed off. He then looked at theresa's eyes and said to her. "I'll fix you. I want to help." Theresa sniffled and said "T-thank you." She then held his face and gave him a Kiss. "Could we be a couple?" Theresa asked. Alex chuckled and said "Of course Theresa. I love you."

"Hop on my back theresa. I'll take you home." Theresa held onto Alex tightly and they walked out of the building. Himeko and Fu Hua were waiting in the car and Himeko yelled out "I placed the things on a gas canister. Is that good?" Alex smiled as He put theresa in the back seat "That's fine." He then shut the door on theresa's side and walked around to the other side. "So What were they for?" Himeko asked. Alex smiled as he pressed a small button "This" An explosion was heard as the four of them drove away and the building collapsed.

Alex noticed that theresa was fast asleep. The drive was mostly silent except for a few laughs from Himeko and sighs from Fu Hua. Alex looked at theresa who tried to smile in her sleep but it just broke into an emotionless look. Alex was devastated that someone would do this to her. He held her hand and whispered in her ear "I will fix you, no matter the cost."

The four arrived back at the school and waiting for them was Kiana "Aunt theresa? are you ok?" Theresa looked at Kiana and said "I'm fine." With her dull expression. Kiana was heartbroken to see her Aunt sound like that "Auntie, I am being serious now are you ok." Kiana looked like she was about to cry. "I just need some rest Kiana. I'll feel better soon." Kiana didn't buy it but she wanted to see her recover so they took Theresa to the dorm.

Over the next few months The Valkyries and Alex did everything to fix Theresa. Alex took her on dates, got her some gifts and made her feel special. This worked for a while. The first few months it fixed her for a hours minutes at the absolute most. Kiana did her part by actually studying hard and getting a test score of 75. This made her somewhat happy but it only lasted a few days. Mei made her some bitter food for meals, however this didn't change her. Bronya asked her to play games with her and she let Theresa win. This made theresa feel more important and raised her spirits up further but this didn't last long either.

Alex sighed and pulled out a small box. Theresa wasn't getting much better. everything they had tried had slightly helped her but to no avail "What you thinking Kid." Said himeko "Fu Hua is doing her part, but knowing the last couple of things we did. I don't know anymore?" The then looked at Alex hand "What you got there." Alex gave a small chuckle "My last ditch effort to help theresa." He took a deep breath "I am going to drop the question. I am going to ask her to marry me." Himeko smiled "Well then good luck."

Theresa walked into the dorm. Her expression was still emotionless. She went into her room and got ready for a date The she and Alex planned. After she shut the door Alex said to himself "This has to work. I don't want to know what would happen if it doesn't." after a few minutes she came out in a dress that The other valkyries made her. "Come on Alex lets go." Said Theresa.

The two walked to one of the major restaurants in the area and sat down. The two ordered their meals and waited. Alex said to Theresa after a while "After this can I take you to a nice viewing spot." Theresa shrugged and said "OK. That's fine" Their meals went well no hassle at all. After Alex went up and paid him and theresa left and the walked to the nice view point. That had a massive view of the lake St freya was on.

Theresa was sitting down on a bench when Alex said "I want to show you something." The two walked over to the edge and theresa saw some fireworks get lit off. They looked nice theresa was starting to smile again and her eyes started to return to normal. "Theresa?" She looked over to Alex and he was smiling. "We all have tried to help you feel whole again. This date was my last ditch effort to fix you." He pulled out the small box. "Theresa will you be my Wife?" At that moment Theresa Felt like her entire world became whole again. She shed tears, Hugged Alex and said "Yes of course." The both shared a Kiss as the fireworks kept going. Theresa was fixed and to Alex that is all that mattered.

After another few months The two got married. The schicksal held it at HQ and all the valkyries and even the anti entropy showed up as that was a very special day. After the wedding The two just decided to go on a small trip. On one of the nights Alex said "Hey theresa?" Said Alex. Theresa turned to Alex and said "Yeah?" Alex smiled "I'm so glad I met you 40 years ago. I wanted to stay but I had other matters to attend to." Theresa smiled "I don't mind, I care about what happens now." The two smiled and they both fell asleep 

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