chapter 10

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Zhao opened his cute brown eyes as he felt pain in his whole body......He try to move his body but his body is really aching and he felt someone is leaning on his arm. He try to look up who is leaning on his hand but not.......He slowly shake his hand to wake whomever is leaning will be awake........

Shen stir a little as he felt hand is moving under him. He just sigh and continue his sleeping thinking that he is at home. But as he heared a soft hiss from yunlan.....shen wei snapped opened his eyes and look at yunlan. "are you okay......sorry i slept upon your hand." shen said he saw yunlan is wide awake and smiling at him.

zhao yunlan try everything to shake shen wei so that he will awake but yunlan feel that shen stir and again fall he hiss a little. after that shen wei snapped open his eyes and looked at him with guilty feeling. Yunlan saw his angel face which is looking cute right now. Yunlan wanted to captured his angel on his embrace and kiss him....but his body is not moving right now....not even his head.

shen came closer when yunlan nod him to come closer with his eyes. "You anger is really dangerous.....i should keep a note of that in future i will not make you angry....." yunlan whispered to shen ear and smile widely. Shen blushed and kneeled his head down feeling shy.....he than looked at yunlan cute brown eyes and kiss him on his plump lips gently.

"why didn't you call me back........i was very worried know...." shen said while sitting beside yunlan holding his hand caresses it slowly. "well.....if i know my cute shen wei can fight like that.....i will definitely call know...." yunlan said while blinking his eyes to shen wei. shen just chuckled and looked at yunlan with his doer eyes smiling at him widely.

"just relax chief zhao.......after some time you can easily move your body...okay......just don't rushed yourself okay....." doctor said while examining zhao yunlan. "You should take care of your wounds as well Mr. shen wei......" doctor said looking at shen wei face and hands. shen just looked at himself and than zhao yunlan who is looking at shen body with concern face.

shen nod to doctor,"errrrhhhh okay.......but first let my brother came here after that .....i will handle it....." shen said averting his eyes from zhao yunlan. who looked angry at him. When doctor left them two. Zhao burst his anger upon shen wei....but he can't talk louder as he is laying their...." you.......i told you before shen wei.....take care of yourself.......will you? Please.....i don't want that you will bear pain again in your life....." zhao scolded shen wei.

But someone enter the door while knocking, "did you two just fighting right now......?" yezhun asked while entering in the room.

Shen wei and zhao yunlan started as yezhun came inside embracing yunwei in his hold. Shen wei hurriedly stood up shyly and backed a little try to leave yunlan hand. But yunlan hold shen wei wrist tightly and smile widely.

"errrrrhhh..... I.. Am going to see doctor" shen said trying to loosen yunlan grip.... Yunlan chuckled and leave shen wei hand seeing his blushing face...

Shen wei leave hurriedly to treat his wounds leaving yezhun and yunwei there with yunlan....... Yezhun come closer to yunlan and sit beside him.

"So...... What have you done this time... Huh...?" yezhun said scolding a little yunlan. Yunlan widen his eyes, "huh...? I am the one who admitted here.... And you are blaming me.... What I have done.....?" zhao yunlan asked in his shocked expression and try to sit. Now his body is feeling relaxed and he can easily move himself.... Yezhun put yunwei on the bed and help yunlan to sit.

" what have you done.....? You make my gege worry about you......... "yezhun said scolding a little to zhao. Zhao smirked," really........ Than I have to do something huh....? How about I make him my wife..... What you say...? " Zhao said looking at yezhun while smiling widely.

Yezhun opened his mouth and shout it immediately, "what... Aren't you rushing things...... Chief zhao?" yezhun said while frowning a little.

But actually yezhun know that one day his gege will get married and have to live separately......... Without him and yunwei......

Zhao saw yezhun sad face. He can clearly understand that yezhun loved his gege so much, "aaahhh..... Don't worry........ You can visit us......" zhao said kneeling a little towards yezhun. Yunwei became happy as she laughed, "yeeeee...... Papa will be married........ But where is daddy......?" Yunwei asked in his innocence.

Shen didn't know what happened to zhujiu...... Yezhun became pale as he heared about zhujiu...... Yunlan hurriedly get Yunwei and embrace her, "I will be your daddy...... Will you love me........" zhao asked while hugging Yunwei from back.

"mmmmmm...... Okay..... So I will call you daddy as well...." Yunwei said. "He is your only daddy for now..... He will drop you to your school.... Go with you in shopping and play with you....." yezhun said while tickling Yunwei as she laughed louder where as yunlan chuckled.

"But still.... You have to promise me something Chief zhao.... Don't you dare to hurt my gege..... If I saw one single drop of tear in his eyes i will kill you...... Are we clear.....?" yezhun said pointing his fingure toward zhao.

"Firstly you have to promise me something..... Just call me Zhao..... Don't call me chief..... Okay" zhao said smiling widely.

Zhao and yezhun talking with each other while holding Yunwei by there side..... When chu entered in the room knocking the door. Zhao nod him to come inside. But he didn't talk anything. Yezhun feel the awkward situation. He hurriedly get Yunwei and leave the room as he can understand that chu and zhao maybe wanted to talk something confidential. So it's better to leave.

"How are you chief...?" chu asked in his grumpy voice while closing the door after yezhun leave them two to talk. Zhao smile, "I am okay..... Are you okay and daqing.....?" zhao asked in his serious concern.

"I am okay...... Daqing is fine..... Just sleeping to recovered fast........ He will be fine after some weeks." chu said sitting on the chair near zhao crossing his legs. Zhao can guess by his gesture that chu have something on his mind........ But he isn't saying it directly........ So zhao giving him time to ask his question straight to him....... They both got silent for a moment.......

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