Chapter 26

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After the breakfast yunlan kissed shen head and he went to washroom for a bath. Shen smiled and he looked at the mess he did in his mad. Shen put the plates on the sink and he start cleaning all the mess.

Yunlan came out taking his bath. He feel fresh and he looked surprised as shen cleaned all the mess. Now his apartment is looking like a lovely house. Yunlan smiled and put on his clothes. He came out of the room and found shen in the kitchen doing dishes.

Yunlan embrace shen from behind, "you know you really scared me with your angry face......." zhao said nicely to shen. Shen stopped cleaning the plates, "so don't angry me again..... You should have left a note at least." shen said in his frustrating face.

Yunlan frown, "what..... But i just leave you a note...... When I leave you here.... That time you were sleeping so I didn't wake you up..... But I am sure I left you a note....." yunlan said in his confusion. Shen turn towards yunlan, "but...... Leave it may be it Misplaced....... But never do that again...... Promise me....." shem asked putting his both hands on yunlan shoulders.

"where have you been really......?" shen asked cutely. Zhao smiled, "I have some work at the hospital......." zhao said remembering his father words. Shen break the hug and suddenly go towards the other side. He brought a small lunch box and a large box in his hand "here.... I cooked some healthy food for your superior and that is your lunch box.... Don't eat alone okay....." shen said while putting  both box on the basket.

"you are not going at the university.....?" yunlan asked as he took the basket. "actually i applied for 3 days leave from my work......... But I am going to meet yunwei at the school ok...." shen said giving yunlan his car keys.

Zhao kissed his wife lips and chuckled, "you just complete me Xiao wei........ You are my home....... I love you....." yunlan said sweetly to shen.

Shen blushed and kissed yunlan forehead, "Go...... You have a case to solve......" shen said in his sweet voice. Zhao smiled and leave shen there. Shen closed the door and turn towards there bedroom. Shen took his phone he looked at something on his phone as he frowned. He hurriedly changed his clothes and leave the apartment.

" Meet me there....... I will be there in 20 minutes......." shen said on the phone. Shen took taxi and go somewhere.

Zhao first go to his father house. "Is he okay.....?" zhao asked while putting the basket on the table. Zhao grab the small box that shen wei packed for his superior that's his gege...... Zhao gave that to his father,"here.....i brought some home made food for gege...." yunlan said.

"Won't you see him...?" xinchi asked as he looked at the box that yunlan placed on the table. Yunlan looked at his father but he didn't say anything. He took the basket and start walking towards the door,"i am getting late for my work...."

"yunlan..... Who send this food..... I am sure you didn't make it....." xinchi asked as he know that yunlan is really bad in cooking. Xinchi stood in front of yunlan blocking him to go out.

"Yes..... Someone dear to me make this for your son......" yunlan said looking straight to his father eyes. Xinchi narrow his eyes and try to read yunlan mind. Yunlan smirk as he saw his father is trying to read him.

"Why don't you bring that someone here.... I would like to meet him or her....." xinchi said looking at yunlan. Yunlan frown... Because before that his father never asked about his lovers or try to meet them. But this time his father wanted to meet his wife.

Yunlan suddenly felt guilty that he didn't tell his father and his gege about his marriage as well to shen about his brother and father.

"I will think about it....." yunlan said and he leave hurriedly. Xinchi stood their. He can easily saw the changed behaviour of his son. He can clearly see that his son really fall for someone. That's why he wanted to meet him or her which is he don't know.

Zhao slammed his hand on the staring wheels, "What I am go do....... God......." zhao yunlan closed his eyes. He did a big mistake in his fear of loosing his angel. But now what he goona do. He start his car and go to his office.

He looked the wedding ring and drown in his thoughts deeply. He didn't know when daqing came inside and sit infront of his table. "hey.....old zhao..... What are you thinking huh....?" daqing said smiling at him. But zhao just sigh and took the file calmly. Daqing saw sad face of yunlan he frowned, "what happened..... Did you two just fought.....?" daqing asked in his serious face.

"It's really funny daqing........ I thought I will loose my love if I told them about him. And now they wanted to meet him.... What should I do....?shen will me mad at me..... What I am gonna explain him....?" zhao asked to daqing with sad face.

Daqing listen carefully," yunlan.... You should tell shen wei first about your family.... After that it's his choice..... And I am sure only shen wei could help you...... "daqing suggest zhao yunlan. Zhao yunlan think about it for a moment," what if he got mad at me....? I can't live without him..... "zhao said fearing that his shen will leave him.

" It's your fault..... You should have told him everything......... But it's not too late.... Just tell him and believe in your love..... If he get mad to you calm him with your love...... Just tell him. "daqing said as he stood up and leave yunlan there to think about what daqing suggested him.

Yunlan closed his eyes and think about how he gonna tell shen wei. On the other hand shen entered in the coffee cafe which is quite far from the city. He entered and looked here and there searching for someone. Finally he saw someone is sitting on the corner of the cafe. His back is on shen side.

Shen called him to ensure that. After confirming he walked toward that person. Shen didn't sit he just stood there without saying any word. That person handle shen a file while sipping his coffee, "just carefully........ He is really near you......" that person said not looking at shen wei. Shen grit his teeth and he leave that cafe as soon as possible.

Shen again took a taxi and go to yunwei school. While sitting on the taxi rear drops from shen eyes. He felt sad and he looked at his wedding ring. After calming himself shen called yunlan, "yunlan..... Can you meet me at the cafe near your office.... I wanna tell you something....." shen said calmly. Yunlan said yes and end the call. Shen looked at the phone for a moment and closed his eyes, "I hope you can forgive me......." shen whispered to himself.

Yunlan hurriedly stood up and go to the cafe near to his office. As yunlan left the SID his father and brother came. "where is yunlan...?" xinchi asked as he saw empty cabin of yunlan. "He must be going to meet his wife..." ling jing spit out unconsciously. Daqing smacked his foot with his foot. He hiss in pain. "errrrhhh.... He is dreaming sir...... Chief just near the office. He went to meet someone." daqing said trying to cover ling jing mistake.

Xinchi and ming looked at each other. They came to ming office and sit there. "do you think that yunlan marry someone without telling us.....?" zhao ming asked to his father. But his father thinking something else. "I will be right back......" xinchi said as he also go out. He saw yunlan sitting on the cafe near the window which is luckily transparent.

Xinchi frowned as he saw he is alone. But after some time someone came there with a little girl abd hugged him. Yunlan kissed him and he sat in front of him. Xinchi didn't saw the face as he is sitting in front of yunlan and his back on xinchi side.

Xinchi slowly walked towards them and sit outside where yunlan and that person can't saw him.

Shen wei sat there and smiled to his husband. "I wanna tell you something....." both speak at the same time. Yunwei giggled looking at them. "You first hubby....." shen said politely. Yunlan, "No... No you tell first.... After all you call me........ Tell me..." yunlan said sweetly.

Shen gulped and blinked in his nervous, "Promise me yunlan you will not be mad at me......" shen asked in his sad voice. Yunlan smile, "why would I be mad at you.... Just tell me." yunlan said nicely assuring his wife.

Shen sip water and looked at yunlan..... "yunlan.... Errrrhhh... I am..... Actually"but shen words cut off by the sudden blast near to them. Yunlan hurriedly got up and cover yunwei as well as shen. All of the customer kneeled down with the sudden blast...... Xinchi also kneeled down as the blast happened at the outside very close to him..........

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