Chapter 9

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Zhao avoid as much as to not get hit by the rod and hit those man with his bear hands as well as chu..... Who stand near daqing protecting him and fighting with the others. But they got several bruises as not every attack can be avoided by those person who hitting with his all strength. And they are so many of them.

Suddenly the person who spoke before........ order his man, "leave everyone else hold that bastard......." that person shout as he pointed towards yunlan. All the person captured yunlan holding his both hands tightly. That man laughed and hit yunlan several time with his rod and injured him badly.

Yunlan spit blood as he got hit in his stomach by that person..... "You really are something...... Zhao yunlan..... But sadly you will die after all......" that man said while laughing and holding the rod above in the air.........

He laughed and try to hit yunlan head with the rod.... But someone hold his rod from behind....." what the...... "that man shout in his mad and looked behind.

Yunlan and chu also got shocked with that sudden action.... They saw shen wei is holding that man rod from behind and his sweet angel face is really stiff in anger.

" You don't have that level to kill my zhao yunlan...." shen wei said with his deep angry voice sending shivers to that man. All of them got shocked as they didn't expect that someone will come here to protect them.

Shen grab that rod from that guys hurriedly and hit his arms with all his strength. That man hiss in pain and hold his arm. All the other man leave yunlan there and run towards shen wei.....

Shen wei smirked and smile to see them all running towards him. He immediately picked other rod and stiffen his hold. He hit all of them avoiding all their hit.... Nobody can touch him...... Yunlan kneeled down their coughing blood from his mouth. Chu came near yunlan to hold him.

"No.... Help him..... Go..." zhao told chu to help shen wei who is fighting alone with them. Yunlan try to stand up but his legs wobble as that person hit him on his legs also. He just saw his angel fighting with all his strength to those mens...... Yunlan chuckled to see the angry face of shen wei.... He didn't realised that one person holding gun on his hand pointed him......

But shen wei hit that man, "not that fast........" shen said while hitting him on his head. Shen wei try to hold yunlan but those persons keep coming in between them.

Shen frowned as he saw yunlan dizzy eyes and he slowly leaned towards the floor looking at shen wei..... Shen wei hitting those man trying to get yunlan who closing his eyes......

Shen hit them wildly as he got mot angry and frustrated when he can't come closer to yunlan. Chu also beats that person.

Suddenly shen picked up the gun from the floor and he shot in the air and pointing it on his leader whom shen hit firstly.

"Run....... Or i will kill all of you...... Run..... Now...." shen said while shaking his hand that hold gun...... That leader nod all of them to fall back and they all run away from them. shen grit his teeth in his anger and throw that gun away. He hurriedly got yunlan who is just closing his eyes and shen embrace him.

"shen look really hot....." yunlan whispered to shen while trying to stay awake in shen wei hold. Shen just sigh,"come on stand up......." shen said in his serious concerned face. chu help daqing to stand up as he is bleeding so much from that shot. shen helped zhao to stand as zhao still can't able to stay awake. But he drag himself  with the help of shen wei as they reached at their cars. shen sit behind with zhao leaning his head on his laps and continuously talking to him. zhao just giving his faint smile to shen every question. Chu help daqing to sit beside him where as chu hurriedly start the car and bring them two in the hospital.

Both of them have several small as well as big injuries. where as chu and shen just have few scratches. They just sit outside the operation theater waiting for the doctor. Chu stood near shen wei and shen wei sit on the chair. A nurse came to them,"You two must deal with your injuries first......" that nurse pointing them two on their wounded hands that are reddened and got scratches from which blood is dripping.

"Don't worry.......and thanks for your yunlan and daqing are okay...?" Shen said in his polite tone. "Well they will be alright....don't worry sir...." that nurse gave her assured smile to shen wei and walked inside the room near to them.

"how did you find this's almost morning...?" chu asked in his grumpy voice startled shen as he asked immediately. shen looked at chu who is looking at him with pierce eyes." well.....i just called yunlan and he didn't talk and cut the call immediately......and i got worried about i just track him from my phone........" shen said politely to chu. But gave no expression to shen and he continuously stare at shen wei. Shen feel awkward when chu is staring at him like that.....he stood up and start walking here and there looking at the operation theater.

chu continuously stare at shen wei moments. He just thinks something and averted his eyes while sigh heavily. After an hour later Doctor came out," Everything is okay just got some internal injuries not to worry about....they will be awake after sometime.......don't worry.." doctor said as shen and chu rushed towards doctor to ask him about yunlan and daqing health. shen sigh relief as doctor said everything is fine.

Shen got really worried when yunlan layed their and can't even move his body......His heart really tearing apart when yunlan didn't gave him answer. But now everything is okay now.......shen immediately call yezhun and told him about that they will not be worried about him......... 

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