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"Are you Brianna?" I jerked my head up from where I sat in the airport, I'm sure my swollen eyes were a remanentof the days events.

My breath almost caught in my throat as I stared dumbstruck into those eyes, they looked so familiar, the exact image of Austin's. I brushed that fart aside, deciding it must be my shattered mind and heart.

" can I help you?" My words were barely audible as I turned my face back to the ground. 

The woman said nothing else, dropping a piece of paper into my lap, confused I picked it up, seeing no title on it I laughed awkwardly, wondering what the strange person wanted.

I mindlessly unfolded it, coming up on Messi cursive handwriting, handwriting that seemed so strangely familiar.

Chewing my bottom lip, I began reading, a soft voice appearing in my head as I did so.

Dear Brianna

I thought it was time you received a letter back from me.

Life is far to short to dwell in the past and forget to live, for you never know what is around the next corner.

I know your heart, and have seen that it is good, it is broken because it has been loved, and that is likewise to the ones that you have affected as well.

Life has a treacherous way of teaching us lessons, but sometimes it is because we are too stubborn to learn. However sometimes our hearts hold on to strongly to these lessons.

I hope one day you can find it in your heart to forgive yourself, just as my son has forgiven you. Sometimes the worst judge of our actions is ourselves, because we want so much to be good.

You are an angel, a tattered angel, who will one day find her wings

Love Emma

The woman on the other side of the wheel

The end


You guys, I hope you enjoyed this book, it is all done and I am so sad but happy about it.

This journey through writing this book has been an amazing one with lots of different emotions. I know the ending wasn't a happy one but I felt that this is the way that this book should end because of the storyline.

The most important thing that I wanted to do while writing this book was to teach a lesson about forgiveness, and sometimes the one we need to forgive the most is ourselves because we hold onto things so deeply.

I love you all and I am so grateful for the support I received while writing this book.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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