Chapter eight

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Was someone trying to
Drown me, someone was trying to drown me. Well they were gonna die I thought as I panted to the edge angrily grabbing all my stuff, thank goodness I didn't have my phone in my pocket.

"Wow, I can't believe you aren't gonna kill me!" I heard his stupid voice behind me, and I wheeled around to come face to face, and I mean right up next face to face with Austin.

He was really close, like our noses almost brushing close, my breath hitched, and I stepped back, taking in the fact that he was yet again shirtless.

"Do I really leave you tongue tied," he gave me a cocky grin, and I let my mind file a response. Everything around us seamed to have come to a Still, waiting for my million Dollar response.

"For a country guy, you sure are self centered," I fired back, turning to walk away, but he grabbed my thin wrist. "What do you want now, and don't touch me, I'll deal with you later."

He just snorted, and he knew that he could control me with just one glance, I used to be so strong, how did I get so weak, in California I controlled everyone, I was the crazy dare devil that caused so much trouble, who always seamed to find herself in the back of a police car.

Somehow he seemed to know how to get at me, and I hadn't even realized it. "You know you really don't want to leave, no matter how much of a brat you try to act like."

"I'm not acting, and no, I don't want to be with you, I mean hang with you, that's gross, you, aren't my type, so back the heck off." I thought my words had done something, I thought he was gone, again, but I was wrong, when I was suspended in the air, for the millionth time.

"What is with you and picking up girls," I called over his shoulder, getting used to this, that's when I realized what I had said, "and I don't mean it in that way," but I could tell his stupid pervert mind was already acting up, by the low laugh that he seamed to be a fan of, it sure was attractive.

"They all just seam to want some of this," He gestured at himself, and I rolled my eyes in response, even though I doubted he could see it, all I could see was the dumb ground.

"Where are we going, and you can put me down now, I'm leaving," I slapped his back, but all he did was laugh, as though he wasn't taking me seriously.

"Nope, you're not, because little miss city girl, I'm gonna show you what you are missing." He must have thought his words were so magical, and any girl would fall at his feet, but not me, I was Brianna, and I wasn't going to have a thing for a country guy, anyway I have a boyfriend.

"I never approved Of this," I ordered, just as I saw the stupid truck come into view, "and there is no way I am riding with you in that piece of junk."

"Too bad, because sunshine you don't have a choice," he propped my door Open, with a mischievous look in his eye.

I crossed my arms and made A statement that I wasn't going. "Looks like you leave me no choice," his voice was smooth, as he lifted me up, and in one quick motion he placed me in the car, and shut the door, I grumbled under my breath.

" wow, you are really good at that, you must have a lot of girls reject you," i sneered, when he climbed in. He ignored me, purposely turning on some of that stupid country music to annoy me.

"You are already making me wanna leave," I covered my ears dramatically kicking his foot. He just grinned that stupid grin, leaning over, so he was invading my personal space.

"That's what you get for offending my precious baby," he gestured at the dump of a car, and I rolled my eyes.

"You're baby sure isn't much to look at," I leaned back, so I could think straight, and he pulled out, also being a crazy driver in the process.

Oh boy!!!


I will be pretty Busy with the upcoming holidays and my finals so please be patient for the next update but here is a little treat

There you go, what do you guys think of our main people, and I hope you really enjoyed this chapter

As a reminder, it is not edited so please disregard all the mistakes



Country romance now completed Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang