Chapter two

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"You want me to ride in this," I pointed a finger at the piece of junk that sat before me. He seriously expected me to ride in this off gray version of a truck that he thought was a masterpiece?

Jayson, which happened to be the guys name just laughed, tossing my luggage into the bed of the truck " get those out of there right now, I don't want nasty old dirt getting all over them," I pouted to myself as I watched him cross over and open my door for me.

Did he really think I was going to get in that piece of junk?

"Ewww is that dog  hair, there is dog hair on the seat" I jerked a finger at where the golden hair sat sprawled across the seat too bad there wasn't a dog with it or should I say thank goodness there wasn't.

He grinned his eyes amused,, " and guess what, it's your dog," I snorted, dusting off my designer clothes. "Yeah no, I don't think so," I barely had a chance to close the door before he cranked up the engine and we were off.

" I value my life," I nearly yelled, as we planned through the countryside like a wild bunch of animals. He just laughed, turning on the radio which blurred out some stupid country music is this all these people listen to. "Ewwwwwwww turn that stuff off, that sounds like a bunch of dying cows."

He Just mouthed the words, rounding around a corner onto a poor excuse for a street it was more like gravel and some packed dirt. He rolled down the window, which only went halfway because this car was so broken down. I thought I might suffer from a brain trauma because of the amount of branches forcing themselves through the small crack of the window.

"Ahhhhh are you crazy, Roll that thing back up before I die of a tree attack," He actually listened, the window finally coming back up and my hair falling back down but not looking as amazing as it had before. I crossed my arms, pulling out my phone and sending my friend a Snapchat which never sent because of the stupid Internet.

" where the heck are we going?" I questioned, as we bolted down a steep hill, I thought the car might tip over or something. Bits of baby blue sky poked out from the heavy branches the place kind of looking a tiny bit good but all I could say was this better not be where I live.

"To your house," he turned just as the roof of a cabin looking house turned up in the distance. " I live in a house made out of a tree?" I nearly screamed, throwing off my raggedy seat belt."

" all houses are made out of trees for the most part kiddo." He turned off the radio, jumping out, just as he was met by two wild looking dogs yapping and jumping up all over him I thought he might fall over or something but who cares if he did.

"Meet penny and Rollend," he patted the dogs at the top the head, they really seemed to like him, but I really hope they did not come over to me. I sat there, my feet dangling out of my doorway, but right when the dogs saw me they came running over barking and wanting some attention.

" they are attacking me," I screamed pushing them away. Jayson just laughed, letting himself into the house and leaving me all alone in the stupid car. " let's hope I don't get kidnapped or something.

I found myself standing awkwardly in the doorway minutes later watching as Jason whistled  as he made some weird looking stuff in a pot. The place was pretty spacious with a giant  deer head on one end of the wall opposite me. Fancy leather couches surrounded a fireplace with an a flat screen TV mounted to the wall above it.

The walls of the inside of the house were aligned with rocks, gray tan and Dusty brown.. I ran my finger over the smooth surface little Intentions in between each rock. This summer is going to be crazy I thought but hopefully I could get back to California as soon as possible.

My mind had poured over the events that had sent me here as I had Road and that crazy car one event sticking out from all the others, I wasn't a bad kid even though my mom was convinced I was troubled to myself I was just a teenager living it up in high school. Maybe if she hadn't went and got married to that idiot of a husband then I wouldn't be here. He did give me everything I wanted so I guess it was OK.

"Want some," Jason question, pointing to the pot of food that sat on the stove. "I'm not hungry," I plopped down on the couch, a woven plaid blanket falling right down on my lap from where it had been draped over the back of the couch. The two dogs snuggled in next to me, nuzzling their heads into my side. I let off a weak smile, reluctantly tickling Pennys side of her face.

I flipped on the tv, as a tennis match Took over the screen, " your dad played tennis in college," Jayson stated once again attempting to make conversation with which I shut off very quickly. "Whatever," I leaned back, laying my head against the arm of the couch I had been up since like five in the morning and I was pretty tired.

Everything faded into darkness

Heavy pressure was placed upon my legs, which quickly awakened me. I opened my eyes peering over the back of the couch to find that Jason had left. The absence of noise told me that the TV had also been turned off. I turned to see what the source was of my pain when I saw somebody jump up the pressure being lifted immediately.

I blinked before my eyes fell onto a guy who seamed to be my age. His features resemble those of embarrassment. His hair a sandy blonde, was styled longer on the top and shorter on the sides, he had thick dark eyebrows long lashes, and the deepest hazel eyes I have ever seen. His face was the perfect tan, and he was wearing a jersey which exposed his muscular arms. Look. Away you weirdo I told myself casting my gaze onto the ground.

"What are you doing in my house," I question the stranger, pulling the blanket up. The dogs looked up, immediately jumping onto the stranger. He shot them the cutest smile ever, speaking for the first time to them and not to me. "Hey guys," he massaged them under their ears sitting down so they could come sit next to him.

"Hello," I demanded his attention, he gazed at me, a smile  of realization taking over his face. "Hey you are that one chic that is coming to live with your dad." He stood, shooting out a hand to introduce himself. "What's up, I'm Austin." I rolled my eyes, without taking his hand, instead pulling out my phone. " what's the Wi-Fi password." I questioned sitting up. "Um," he massaged the back of his neck still staring at me.

" take a picture it last longer," I sneered, getting up off the couch to find some water. "Someone needs a nap," He mumbled, taking the remote and flipping the TV back on to What now was another tennis match. " and someone needs to shut up," I returned, opening like every cupboard in the kitchen and still not finding any cups. " don't you have any manners to help somebody find a glass of water." I threw a towel at the back of his head which  somehow he managed to catch in mid air someone had magic powers or something.

"I would, but I've got better things to do," I huffed, before crossing my arms over my chest. "Jerk," I yelled.

"Spoiled little snob," he stated, opening the screen door and walking out into the backyard.

Hiiiiiiiiiii my dears, I hope you liked this next chapter, I had a lot of fun riding it what do you think of Austin and what do you think of Jason I hope you liked the dialogue it is super fun writing about the snobby character

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At the top is a picture of Austin


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