Chapter 30

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Brianna age six

"Come on honey, it's time to go, Dad is already in the car." Brianna glanced up from what she had been doing, chunky crayons rolling off the table as she hopped off her seat. She yanked a piece of paper, waving it in the air.

"I made him a picture mommy, do you think he will like it, it is of him and his mommy and dad." She pranced over to her mother, who took her into her arms, placing a gentle kiss atop her head.

"Of course he will love it, Austin is a sweet boy, you two will be great friends, his mother and I have been close for years. The child giggled, dashing out the door, pulling her mother along with her.

"Dad Dad guess what, I am going to merry Austin," she declared, " and we are going to live happily ever after with you and mommy." She had a smile that spread ear to ear on her face. The car took off from the curb, blue sky brimming against her window. "Mommy look, it's a rainbow, over there," she pointed her chubby finger against the glass, a handprint smudging the glass where her finger had momentarily resided. Her mother nodded, pulling an arm around her young girl.


"Hurry up Brianna, we don't have all day," her mother hollered from the doorway, a heaping pile of bags at her feet. Ten year old Brianna clambered down the stairs, her bags in hand.

"Please mom, please, can't we stay? I promise I won't be bad please." She finished the stairs, adding the contents of her hands into the pile. Her mother said nothing, filling her arms and taking them outside.

"We don't have time for this Brianna, I don't want to hear it, can't you just listen to me for once, I don't want another version of you're idiotic Dad walking around."

"He's not an idiot," her voice shattered, as she remained in the doorway, watching her mom pile things into the car, the sky blanketed with thick clouds.

"Shut up and bring those over here, you are testing my patience," her mother fired back, shoving past her motionless daughter who did nothing.

She had been in a fowl mood all day, feeling as though her daughter and husband were always hanging up on her, it had always been her fault, if the house was dirty, it was all on her. She just had to get out of this trap.

And she was taking that kid with her, there was no way she was leaving her with him!

"Brianna, can you hurry up, I want to get out of here before he gets back." Her mom shoved an armful of clothes into her hands, grabbing some for herself as well.

"I I want to say goodbye," Brianna sputtered, her hands shaking with the pile of belongings in them. Her mother said  nothing, focused on getting out of there. "Mom, please, can I just stay?" Her voice broke? As a tear slid down her red cheeks.

"Bring those to the car," her mother ordered, acting as though her child wasn't broken. Stars had begun to form in the sky as Brianna took off into the yard, throwing the clothes In a box in the back of the could they possibly be leaving?

"You will like it in California," a secretive smile slid onto her mothers face, she didn't know why though. Her mother leaned against the car, regaining her breath before she once again turned back into the house.

"I want dad, please," she leaned against the car, her voice weak, as she attempted to reconcile with her mother.

"Well you're father doesn't want you," her mother spat from the doorway, heaving a suitcase into her arms. That was enough to send Brianna's mind into a hole, what did she mean he doesn't want her?

He doesn't want you

It was her fault, Brianna mechanically made her way up to the house, taking some belongings and shoving them into the car.

Her father hated her, he didn't want her.

"He doesn't," her lip quivered,streams of tears streaming down her pale face She clamped her hands together, attempting to compose her young self.

"This is it," her mother declared, pulling her broken daughter down the stairs with her. Brianna caromed her head back to take one last glance at the house, the door hung open, it was missing one thing, their father, who was working late, he would be pulling up any moment and they would be gone, that was what her mother had wanted.

Brianna placed  her hand on the handle of the car, her breaths raged, as she listens to the sound of her heartbeat, a heart but was shattered into 1 million pieces. Her mother bolted out of the driveway, silence taking over the car.

Brianna pressed her face against the glass, her tears fogging the window Her chest ached, her eyes burned, they would be passing her father's work soon, but this time, not to visit him.

"Daaad," she cried out, as the faded lit up sign flashed past her window, a few cars dotted the parking lot, her fathers beat up truck being one of them. Her mother turned on the radio, softly humming as they silently pulled out of town.

It was as though they had never existed in that town


ThIs chapter was seriously so hard to read but I hope you liked it.

I can't believe I am almost done with this book, it has been an incredible journey

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