Chapter one

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"Don't you dare give me that attitude one more time, or I swear I will seriously," "ship me off to live with my dad, I muttered to myself, as I gazed out the window of the airport. That was what had happened, I guess I had thrown things way too far out of proportion and so here I found myself sitting in unfamiliar surroundings in an airport in Maine. "Whatever," I muttered to myself, pushing a strand of my coffee brown hair behind my ear. "This is seriously stupid, ugh," I whipped out my phone to call my best friend, maybe I could rant to her for the millionth time.

I was about to ring her number when somebody cleared their throat in front of me. I glanced up from my screen to see a middle-aged looking man staring at me, I gulped, realizing that it wasn't my dad even though I have never really seen my dad since I was about ten or eleven, I had seen pictures so I knew what he looked like and this for sure wasn't him. "Can I help you," I muttered, in a half sarcastic tone fixing him with an annoyed expression. "Are you Brianna Clarksen," he asked, seating himself into one of the super uncomfortable black chairs. I rolled my eyes, adjusting my highly uncomfortable high hills. "What do you want," I grumbled, turning my phone on again to show him that he meant nothing to me.

He just sat for a second with a calculating expression before he spoke again this time in a more adamant way. " your father can Not come pick you up so I had to do it for him I am his next-door neighbor," I snorted at this, still scrolling through the social media apps that I had on my phone for starters the Wi-Fi it was super crappy here and that butter change if I was going to be staying here until I graduate high school. "Whatever, I'm not going," I snapped back, fixing my perfectly arranged curls. "Anyway I need to get my bag, and I am going on the next flight back home and maybe living with my best friend."

He gave me a hearty but at the same time exhausted left before he stood up himself probably attempting to make friends or something by his next remark. "I'll help you," he stated, fixing me with a half excited grin. " i'm perfectly capable of doing it myself," I stomped past, finishing him with a hair flip before retiring up the escalator to the second floor almost being topple over by a group of people with huge suitcases such as mine.

Of course he wasn't going to leave me by myself because he reluctantly followed a couple steps behind me but I did not turn to pay him any attention because as far as I was concerned that this was only going to be a temporary arrangement for like a week and then my mom would probably miss me and want me back and also I have a whole life back there and not to mention half of my make up was still there as well as a bunch of other stuff and if I was going to live here she better mine as well ship everything over because I I am not going to spend another second here without my designer hairdryer.

" so what brings you here anywhere," he asked trying yet again to create conversation which I quickly ended. " I don't see how that is any of your concern," I turned my nose up at that annoying country music blasting from one of the horribly software speakers. " what kind of crap do you guys listen to here oh my gosh," I observed turning down one of the less crowded hallways to where the baggage claim was supposed to be located. He just chuckled, running it and an uneasy hand through his hair. " your dad is excited to have you here you know," I stopped wheeling around, " that was complete bull," I gripped, before finishing my trek to the baggage eria.

" how much stuff do you have" The old dude asked, pushing all six of my bags for me well four of them he made me push two, I had had to use some serious skill to get all those bags onto the plane and it costed like a bazillion extra dollars too. " you're like what to 70 how are you not used to this," I shot back, turning the corner to get onto the elevator. I bit my lip nervously, as the realization sank into my stomach, I was really gone from my home from what I had always known to be my reality and now I was going to an unfamiliar place with a person I hadn't seen in years. I gulped, staring at the weird wall decor that hung in the ellavater.

"By the way, I'm only 42," he muttered


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