Chapter three

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"Get up you lazy butt," I rolled over, sliding the pillow over my head, "it's to early Dad, get out of my room." He didn't move, just shook me again, which made me extremely mad.

I sat up, the brightness from the sun blinding my sight, "dadddddd," i wined, flopping back down, it's Saturday,"

"Brianna we need your help," he shook the bed again, and I rolled over feeling the bed leave me, as I landed on the hard floor, pain shooting through my side. Ouch.

"Ugh, leave me alone I am not helping anyone, especially a bunch of Hick town people like you," I thrust my pillow at my dads face, screaming before I stormed out of the room.

Time to schedule a rant session with my best friend!

"Hurry Up Bri, we don't have all day," that's when I noticed, there were more people down stairs, and they were making a lot of noise, Jayson and that snob.

I stood under the shower water, that was cold for at least three minutes, the stupid shower head was so far down I could not even stand up straight if I wanted to get a proper shower. Ughhhhhhh

"Hurry up," my dad screamed, as I slid the straightener through my hair. "What's taking her so long," it was Austin, I really wanted to scream, but that would be kind of awkward.

" just so you know I'm not doing any of that nasty stuff on the farn," I grumbled as I strode down the stairs, some show on the tv, the guys were all spooning piles of food onto their plates and in their mouths.

"Ahhhhhh what is that," I screamed, jumping up onto the couch, as something crawled across the wall, "it's o on that shelf ahhhhhh," I pointed as the guys jumped up, grinning and making fun of my horrified facial expression.

"Your such  a wimp," Austin dangled a dead bug above me, "ahhhhhhhh get away you punk, I hate you," I fell off the couch, landing on the floor once again.

"I want to go home," I wined, curling up into a ball. Austin laughed, " dramatic much." I rolled my eyes, "shut up you jerk, go back to your cow milking or whatever you call it."

"That could be taken to ways hun," I stared at him, my jaw falling open, "you perv, go to jail," it wasn't like I had never been around a perv, it's just I didn't expect something to come out of his mouth I mean he was like hey goody goody, or I thought.

I kicked him, and he didn't even flinch, just stood there with a stupid smirk on his face, "you alright there," he brought his hand out to help me up, and I reached for it, glad that he was a little bit of a gentleman.

He dropped it at the last second, sending me falling back onto my butt, "you are impossible," I stood up in a huff, storming over to where all the food was,, "Jason, your son is a jerk," I shot out a finger where to now Jason was sitting on the couch watching the tv show.

Jason chewed his food, " you're telling me," he stated in between mouthfuls, before dusting off his shirt and getting up to go back outside and work. "Do you guys have a gym around here?" I questioned, looking at my dad, he laughed sarcastically, "honey nugget, you get in shape by doing yardwork." I crossed my arms, "ughhhhh," I blew out my cheeks, stomping out the back like a little kid.

To be honest I had actually never seen the backyard, and when I opened the door it looked  like a crazy jungle. I guess it was kinda Beautiful, with the array of colors and all the different textures of the trees and the grass, the rocks and the stream off in the distance.

There was a huge barn to the right, and a large hay pile. Off swaying about 100 feet in front of me was a huge tire swing, the rope atreatchung way up into the air. I grinned, a nice adrenaline rush would be fun right now.

It was just a matter of walking through all that dirt. I stepped onto the large wooden porch, staring over the edge at a Crystal clear swimming pool.

"You guys have a pool?" I questioned, A slight grin spreading over my face. My dad grinned in return, "we are classy people you know!" He ruffled my hair and I frowned, how dare he ruined my beautiful locks.

Austin laughed raising his voice so it was in about two octaves over his normal low pitched one "you guys have a pool, wow, maybe your not so lame," I looked at him, "you are so immature, you know that," he just smiled, "I guess being around you has dulled my brain."

"Your stupid," I muttered, stopping back out onto the porch. I watched as he also walked out, placing a hat on to his perfect head, "not as annoying as you," I shoved a rake into my hand, I shoved it back at him, " didn't I just say," I was cut off, as I felt myself being suspended in the air, Austin had thrown me over his shoulder, and now I was pretty much hanging  upside down.

"Hey nice view of down south," I slapped him on the back, and I heard a low laugh from him, I will admit, it was pretty attractive, the laugh I mean.

"What do you think you are doing," I screamed, as we started stepping down the long staircase to the yard, he didn't stop, which made me kind of nervous, " your dad said that if you don't work on your own, then I have to get you to work." I stared at the moving ground, "and how do you expect to do that?" I could feel the smirk and his voice as he spoke his next line, of coarse perfectly sarcastic as usual,

"You will see."


Hiiiiiiii I'm so glad, I loved riding this chapter, once again I am putting off my stupid homework to write this for you guys!!

Sorry for the long wait, it is midterms and I have been swamped and homework, but I hope you enjoyed, tell me what you think of the characters.

Shoutout to sanorita_22 my lovely bestie, loveeeeeee you so much, thx for being such a great friend ❤️❤️❤️😂💜💙 I love our Conversations, they make me so happy loveeeeee you so much

Xx Sarah


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