Chapter 38

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We sat in a small Cafe on the edge of town, Jack Jason me, and Austin.

Jason had practically dragged him here, against much protest, he sat as far away from me as possible, glancing everywhere else as an attempt to look bored.

"I'd much rather  it be just Bri and I," Jack declared, grunting when a young red head came to our table.

"Hi Austin," she squeaked, shooting me a deadly look, I glanced around to see my mothers husband squirming around like a little kid. I came here to get away from everything, it seams to follow me wherever I go.

" whatever you have to say can be said in front of everyone." I had had enough, I didn't even want to come to the stupid restaurant. I just wanted to help find my father and to have all of this be done.

Austin scraped his chair, darting up so quick nobody could say anything. " clearly I am not supposed to be here, this news is just going to make her life miserable, why are you going to tell her in the first place."

His words sunk into the air, and now his gaze was hard on me, the red head sat, an elephant to the group. Where was his girlfriend?

"Tell me what?" My words were so distant, every single piece of my skin crawled at the thought that something he knew was soon to be revealed.

Austin darted his gaze to my stepdad, his eyes so ice cold, I wondered how much he knew that I didn't. Jason looked very Uncomfortable, "tell me what?" I shot out again, nobody even acknowledging me at that moment.

Austin was gone within Seconds Jason attempting to grab his arm, but Austin jerked away leaving the diner everything seamed almost silent around us, but a screaming deafening silence.

"Well get on with it, I don't have much more to lose anyway." My stepdad stared at me long and hard, rubbing the back of his neck.

" I tried to get your mother to come, but she refused."

"Sounds like her, playing the victim and everything, and refusing to face reality."

Jason heaved a breath, standing up as well, he glanced out the window, the sounds in the restaurant roaring back up to life. " I think I might leave you two alone, I mean this is very personal information."

I said nothing as Jason darted away, the tension almost suffocating me. My hands were vibrating in my lap, my breathing very uneven as I waited upon the news that what would soon fall upon me.

"I met your mother at a party, it was Halloween day, she was so amazing and full of life, I thought I would fall in love with her right at that moment.

We had so much in common, we both had big dreams and wanted to live in California together, we were both at UCLA and I was studying business and she was studying accounting." Leaning back on my chair, I wondered why he was telling me all of this.

"Anyways, she and I exchanged phone numbers at that party and I called her the next day, we went out to the theater to see a movie. We began dating, and everything was wonderful, we dated for eight months. I was pretty far in my business degree, I had been in college for almost 4 years and she had finished a year however that all changed when she found out she was pregnant with you."

He looked directly in my eyes when he said those words. Every muscle in my body freezing up, what did he mean pregnant with me. That couldn't be, it must have been a different child and my mother had had a miscarriage or something

"W what are you talking about? I think you have the wrong story. I I'm done, I don't want to hear the rest."

He leaned forward, attempting to touch my arm in comfort, however I pulled away, heaving a very shaky breath. "Just hear me out Brianna, please, it's time you knew. I just want to be honest with you."

He just wants to be honest with me, yet whatever this is is a twisted lie. Everything is a twisted lie

"Fine whatever just go then I'm listening." I balled my hands up in my lap, squeezing them so hard I could feel my nails digging into my skin. My heart was slowly dropping to the ground minute by minute, as each piece of news passed through my mind

" she didn't want to tell me in the beginning, she was embarrassed and scared. A child hadn't been our plan. When she did tell me, my first instinct was to end things with her. I couldn't afford a child and I didn't want a child. So I left after getting my degree I moved away to New York City.

"You moved, you abandoned my mom and moved, just like she abandoned my dad and left." I blinked trying to hold back the tears, " I don't know why you were telling me this, but I don't believe a word of it, as much as I am not happy with my mom right now, I know she wouldn't lie to me about something as important as this."

" Brianna, I know it is hard, but just let me finish the story." Finish the story, as though this is just some part of a book, something that just happened and isn't very important? I nodded, giving up, I had become numb to everything.

"Your mom went home for the holidays, to Maine, her mother was very sick and she was taking care of her her best friend was there as well, Austin's mom. Austin's mom had just Mary Jason, and he had his really good friend, your dad that was staying with them as well. Since the pregnancy didn't really show, she didn't tell anybody about it really. She just gave the excuse that she had gained some weight at college. Her and your dad began dating there.

Within seven months they were married, and she had ended her time at college and moved to Maine to be with him and her sick mother. Jason and his wife gave birth to Austin and a few months later you were born. Your dad knew about you from the beginning after she had told him, but he said that they would raise the child together as though it were his own. He knew all along"

He knew all along...

I gulped, Attempting to swallow my tears as I stood up, my hands shaking. My words were weak but I spoke them anyway. " all right, I listened, now I am leaving." Before I could even hear his response, I scrambled out of the restaurant not knowing what to do except run.

And I did,


Well, plot twist, do you believe what he said or do you think he is lying?

Oh my goodness, who saw that coming?

What do you think will happen next?

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