Chaptrr 16 NE

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"You sure have a nice fashion sense," I mumbled out, directing to the clothing choices that he had warn today.

Black jeans and a gray T-shirt with a jean jacket. Ahhhhhhh, major hotshot. He smirked, "glad you approve." I wasn't sure if that was sarcasm or not, but I decided to just let it go as i focused in on the music that surrounded us, it wasn't country music instead it was a imagine Dragons

somebody finally has good music taste!!

Falling like ashes to the ground hoping my feelings they would drown

That is how I feel right now

He always seems to slip into my mind, and I am sure you know who I am talking about

His stupid ice blue eyes and sarcastic personality.

Jawline ugh that jawline!!

He hates my guts but I can't blame him I had no right to say that to him and I wasn't sure what brought me to do it in the first place.

My heart just might shatter

"Where are we going," I question, frowning when a stupid country song came on the radio.


He grinned, as I saw the golden arches pass by, and I think I knew where we were going, someplace that all kids get excited about, the place that I swear contributes to 85% of the diabetes in America.



" you listen to this stuff to," I questioned, as we passed by the green lost trees and all of the other parts of Maine that I guess looked pretty beautiful against the bright blue sky. I watched as the corner of his lips turned up in a smirk.

She's got the bluejeans up tight that everybody wants on a Saturday night

I will tell you one person that wants that, the person that has their but sitting right next to me.

That is right, I called you out Mr. I am the opposite of goody goody

"What stuff," He reacted  to my question and I rolled my eyes this person has the shortest attention span I had ever seen. But then again I bet he is a little preoccupied with the golden arches that we are coming upon.

McDonald's stood  proud and tall against all of the greenery that swirled around us, all broken down cars and trucks all lined  in the parking lot of this McDonald's that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere.

How did anybody even find it? I guess people had like x-ray vision or some kind of psychic abilities to drive all the way here and find this McDonald's sitting all by itself. Doesn't it get lonely and miss the other burgers from Burger King???

" Country music, how can you handle it? It all sounds the same to me." I pulled my legs up to my chest, gazing out the window, as the cutest old couple came out of there, the husband helping his wife as they sported there McDonald's bags the wife leaning against her walker as they attempted to get off the curb.

Was I becoming a softy

Please know, what ever happened to those I am so much better than that days, and the dark nights I  used to spend in the alleyway, what was it all for if I was over here falling over some good for nothing old couple who had the most dramatic love story that could be supported on this planet.

Slightly dramatic there, oh shut up nobody cares about your wedding but anyway!!!

That is right, pull up your pants and move on!!

" don't you dare start singing along because I swear," I hissed back, plugging my ears in a statement to say if you do that you will have a black eye and it won't come naturally.

He started singing in a high pitched  voice, and I had a sudden urge to shoot him the finger, but I restrained because I did have an ounce of dignity and me, and also that would be quite the Y if you know what I mean from there!!

" get out of this car because I am dying to get some chicken nuggets and fries," I nearly screamed, bounding out of the car as I ran into the parking lot like a child who found out they were going to Disneyland!! Speaking of that place I have been there like 5 billion times because I lived in California and it was like going to the park for us ha ha the normal park not a theme park.

" you act like you have never been to McDonald's, do you know what the food is even made out of?" I grinned evilly as I eyed him, I mean my brain filed a sarcastic response for every question people ever mention to me.

"You're dads elbow fat," I have no idea where that came from, because it was seriously the weirdest thing I had ever said, and I think I just scared that pretty boy away. He snorted in response, finding a spot in line as he leaned against those wooden line blockers Eying me with an amused expression plastered on his oh so perfect face.

" I think it might have been my grandpas elbow fat actually." This response made me laugh, a full laugh not one of those lazy Lame little chuckles, but the real thing and it came in a full-blown giggle  fast as I couldn't control myself, maybe I was going crazy or this country life was really getting to me. Maybe it was the fact that I was standing in a McDonald's with a complete stranger but who really knew.


Pep Assembly alert, I had to sit at this obnoxious thing waiting for Austin to finish his little flirting fest with his girlfriend.

I hated those made up blue eyes and perfectly blonde hair that she magically crafted to look like she stepped out of a magazine as she sat surrounded by all of her little flirty girls.


I seemed to be earning quite a few glares as I sat next to Mr. popular himself, not Austin, but the guy I had went to McDonald's with. I guess he had claimed me one of the friends in the friend group, he sits  pretty dang close to me with his arm practically around me as he talked with his friends who also seamed  to like having me around as they kept on saying funny teasing things about me and giving me the call me look!!!

Here let me give you my number, it is 911

Jk jk

It is one 800 leave me alone!!

School is a drag!!!!

And I hate that girl that Austin seems to be a big fan!!!

I want to go Home, but at the same time I want to stay and see what happens

What do you guys think of the first day of school and what do you think of the new guy she is talking to

Country romance now completed Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin