Chapter 31

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Brianna POV

Grinning, I placed a gift into the car, climbing into the drivers seat as I revved up the engine. It was my best friends birthday and I was going to surprise her with a gift and cake.

I whistled to the song as it hummbed through the speaker, one that brought back memories with my mom, as we would cruise down the street to the beach.

I hadn't been to the beach in quite a while.

I turned down her street, glancing at the houses as hers came into view, the white pullers stretching up in front of the front door. It was a Beautiful Brickhouse, with three floors and a perfectly tailored lawn.

I crept around to the back, peeking around the corner to make sure nobody was there. I darted to the back steps, cracking open the door. I dashed up the staircase, emerging into the hallway.

She was going to love her gift.

Her door was shut, I hoped she was home, I had seen her car, but oddly it was parked in the driveway instead of the garage.

Knocking on the door, I waited for a response, her weak voice coming from the other side. "Yes mom, I know, I'll be down in a bit." She giggled a second later, her breaths ragged as I heard something crash in the room.

What was going on?

"Katie, it is me, Brianna."

I was met with silence, after I spoke these words, nothing but silence. I rattled the door again, straining to hear anything. There was wrestling, and a closing of a door. I had had enough, she was hiding something from me and I was going to figure out what it was.

I yanked the door open, my eyes taking in the scene of my best friend, sitting flustered on the bed Her room was a mess, but the smell of Cologne engulfed my nerves, a l Cologne I had smelled many a time before.

"Brady," I mumbled matter of factly. She attempted to act innocent, as she fixed her hair, getting up from where she had been perched on the bed.

" I don't know what you're talking about," she forced out. I crossed my arms, my eyes landing on the closet door. I tore open the closet, m revealing a very disheveled looking Brady.

"Hi Beautiful," he shot me an exasperated smile, trying to cover up the fact that he had been alone in a bedroom with my best friend.

" what is, what is this? And how long has it been going on." Her hair was a mess, her make up smeared, and I knew they had been kissing by the fact that his lips were the same exact shade as hers." She let out a breath, opening and closing her mouth like a clam.

"It's not what it looks like, he was, you were, it's not like you're completely innocent yourself." My best friend spat those words to me, attempting to Dodge the fact that she had been going behind my back with my own boyfriend.

"Babe, we are just friends, with," He was about to finish that sentence when I cut him off.

" shut up, you think I want to hear that," I balled up a hoodie and threw it at his face, which he caught, making his way over to me in a matter of seconds.

"Bri, sweetheart, I'm all yours, she was just, I missed you, you know I love you." He leaned against the wall, Placing both hands on either side of me.i heaved a breath, tears forming in my eyes, I had no idea why I was so upset about it. I didn't really care about him and I didn't harbor any feelings, but the fact that they had gone behind my back and done this was the last straw.

" I never cheated on you once with Austin." I spat pushing him aside, " I am not a person who will sit and let people walk all over me, I deserve better than you and he was 10 times the man you are. And for you," I rounded on my Best friend, " what a nice welcome home present. I wish you the worst birthday ever because that is what you deserve." I shoved the gift in her face, slamming the door behind me as I bounded down the stairs.

I needed air.

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