The Disaster 4

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Author: Thank you for your patience. This is the final chapter. There will be two chapters to show the ending in a different way. Thank you and Enjoy!

..... 3rd person .....
It is late 2 o'clock, everyone in panic. The young hero, Deku, is laying on the ground. Blood dripping from his nose and ears. Class 1-A hurries over, all around the hero. Bakugo and Todoroki stand there. Not a thought through their head but "What do I do?".
Police sirens go off. Midoriya goes in and out of conscious. All he hears is muffled yelling and sirens. Almost as if his ears are underwater. The young hero grabs his head and slightly sits up. Uraraka, Iida, and Mezo gently keep him down. Some dial on their phones for help. Others cry silently. All that they wonder is how this happened. What to do. And how to fix it.
A voice booms from the rubble, in a frail voice. Class 1-A looks ahead at the building blown. From the dust going past a man appears. Hands all over his body. He's thin with light blue hair, no face seen for the hand.

"Well, looks like you are in some trouble!" He holds his arms out and laughs

The class get prepared for a fight. They know him. The man who helped take down All Might, the man who is known as Decay. His quirk allows him to turn anything to nothing.

"Class, watch Midoriya. I will handle this. Iida, get any and all hero's you can find." Mr. Aizawa demands, walking in front of the students

They class just nods. They know they could take him down if they all team up, but it's to dangerous. For now they will look after others, including Midoriya.

..... Midoriya's POV .....

  "It going toe ble rokay." Uraraka cry's
  "Wh-Wha?" I look questionably at her

  I touch my ear and feel something wet. I raise my hand to the light and I see blood. It travels down my finger. Throbbing, my head. Geez.

  "Miworida!" Everyone trails there eyes to my face
  "He's blieding wore out of tis noose!" Kirishima yells
  "To aren't whelping tie scweamin!" Another yells

  I close my eyes. My body hurts. I can't hear well and I'm bleeding severely out of my nose and ears. I guess the explosion busted my eardrums and I guess I landed hard enough to cause a nose bleed. This isn't good. I need to fight.

  "H-Help." I reach my hand out

  Kacchan takes it. I pull myself up. I wobble into Todoroki and Kacchan.

  "Deku, what bar to doinn?" Kacchan exclaims
  "Fi-Fight." I struggle to stand up
  "No," Shoto grabs my arm to help me from falling "the hero's are taking care of it."
  "I-I... need to help." I use Shoto to lean on
  "Grr... this bastard is right, the hero's are taking care of it. You need to sit down." Kacchan grabs my hand

  The ground spins. My head starts throbbing.

  "You might of gotten a concussion Deku." Bakugo picks me up bridal style
  "I'm fine." I stand up, stumbling
"You there!" Decay points to me
"Why are you doing this!" I croak
"Let's see what you have." He laughs and portals open everywhere, tons of villains walk through confident
"This isn't good." Kacchan mumbles
"Come on we can do this." My feet drag on the ground
"Let us help you." Shoto sighs
"Okay then..." I grown, grabbing my side
"This isn't a good idea but... let's do this!" Kacchan screams

Everyone looks up at us. Silently thinking to join. They get up and head towards us, getting into a fighting stance.

"We got your back Deku." Ojiro says
"Let's do this!" Mina laughs
"We won't let you down." Jirou smiles
"Right, thanks guys." Grabbing my sides and power up

Deku X Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now