Jealous Todoroki

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"So Midoriya. What happened?" Shoto sits on my bed next to me
"Well..." I tell him everything that happened, the fight, Iida, and well everything
"Oh. So she still is after you." Shoto pulls me close to his body, my head now resting on his chest, I can hear his heartbeat again "I will protect you and I will never let you leave the safety of my arms."

I didn't say anything back. So I just wrapped my arms around his neck and I'm sitting on his lap with my legs around his waist. Todoroki gently squeezes me closer to his body. All the warmth coming back to me and his heartbeat calming me down.

"Are you sleepy again?" He rubs his hand up and down my back, giving me goose bumps and a very lazy feeling
"Mmhm." My eyes close and all I can think about is his voice and heartbeat.
"Should I lay you in bed?" He puts one hand under my butt and he suddenly stands up
"Oh!" I gasp when I felt like I was falling but Todoroki quickly recovered me
"I told you I will protect you." He kisses my nose gently
"That's right." I kiss his nose as well
"Let me put you in bed if you are so tired though." Todoroki pulls my blankets back
"No, I'm not tired. It's just when I sit on your lap it's so relaxing and makes me groggy." I turn away from his gaze
"Do you not want to sleep?" Shoto carefully sits back down
"Well I would like to but no. You are here, infact wouldn't your dad worry if you were here at my house? Especially since... he has the clue we like each other." I grip his shirt
"It's fine Midoriya. I told him I was at school for after class studies." He takes a deep breath and lets a sweet sigh out
"That's Good I guess." Todoroki plays with my hair causing more goose bumps on my skin
"You smell good." He takes a deep breath again and rests his head on my shoulder
"Thanks... I mean I guess. You do... do too." He lays down causing me to fall on top of him
"Good." He smirks and traces my body with his hands
"What are you doing." I feel my face face gets hot
"Just tracing." He looks into my eyes and pushes my head down for a kiss, then he kisses me so sweet and passionately
"Stop... no wait... wait no." I let a moan out
"Shh, your mom is home right?" I cover my mouth in response
"Y-Yeah." I gulp
  "Shh." He kisses me again and flips us over

  Todoroki is now on top of me, while making out. He starts kissing my freckles then down my neck. Slowly taking my shirt off. I tremble under him not being able to think straight. Then he slowly grinds on me.

  "Izuku?" My mom knocks on my door making me come back to reality
"Y-Yes?" Todoroki gets off me and sits in my chair
"What are you doing in here?" She opens the door and sees me breathless on the bed then Shoto sitting in my chair
"I... was exercising." I smile and Todoroki sighs
"I didn't know you would be over Shoto, let me get dinner ready." My mom smiles, glances over me once more then gives me a thumbs up

  I groan out of embarrassment. Todoroki gives me a weird look and laughs a little. I throw my pillow over my face. If he didn't get up I would of been screwed. My mom would freak out.

  "Hey Midoriya," Todoroki gets up and removes the pillow "I'm sorry for doing all that to you."
  "It's okay Todoroki," I look away shyly "I... didn't hate it... I didn't but I well... I didn't like it."
  "I got carried away." Todoroki lays down next to me

  Once he plopped on my bed a wave of his scent filled the air. I look over at him. He has his eyes closed, his hair has fallen on his face and the bed. He looks focused or sleepy, I can't tell.

  "If you keep staring I'll kiss you again." He whispers seductively but almost in his normal voice
  "Sorry!" I throw my head in the pillow again
  "You don't have to apologize." I feel a warm hand touch my shoulder blade
  "Well... I was well... embarrassed." I move my head so I can see him whole half my face is still in the pillow though
  "Don't be." I feel a heavy weight on my back
  "Erm, what are you doing?" I look back the best I can

  I see Todoroki sitting on my back. His hands are in the air. He focuses on some part of my back but I can't tell. Then all of a sudden he quickly starts tickling me.

  "WAAA NOOO!" With him on my back it's a struggle to get him off "That! Ti-Tickles Todoroki!!" I manages to scream and laugh
  "This is punishment." I hear a faint chuckle from my screams
  "For... What?" I laugh and cry
  "Saying sorry." He continues to tickle me and I start losing my breath
  "I... won't do it... it again please... I can't, can't breath!" I laugh in between breaths

  After what feels like an hour, which was only a few seconds, the tickling stops slowly. I take sharp deep breaths and I cough a few times. The heavy weight shifts and is now gone. I roll onto my back still catching my breath. My mom opens the door with a smile.

  "Dinner is ready you two." My mom says perky
"Coming mom." I mumble
"Okay..." she gives me a strange look but walks away

Todoroki holds his hand out. I take it and he helps me up. We walk to the dining room and we sit down. Todoroki sits to my right and my mom sits across from us. We get our food and we start eating. My mom just sits and smiles. After a second I decide to break the silence.

"This is really good mom." I smile
"Yes it is good Mrs. Midoriya." Todoroki politely eats more food
"Thank you, I'm glad you like it." She continues to do her almost creepy smile "So what were you guys doing?" She glances between us
"I was tickling Midoriya." Todoroki calmly says as if it was normal
"Tickling?" Mom gives us a second look
"Yeah it was only tickling," I smile again "my stomach still hurts from laughing."
"Sorry." Todoroki looks at me sincerely
"It's fine," I wave my hands around "it's a good hurt, I guess."
"Oh, well that's good." He continues eating
"Anything else?" My face heats up remembering us making out
"We played games." I blurt out and I chug my water
"Oh really, What games?" My mom gets a cheerful smile, Todoroki looks like he's about to say something
"We played some old video games that all." I squeeze Todoroki's thigh since he was about to say something
"Well that good that you are playing them, we don't want them going to waste." My mom picks our plates up
"Right." I laugh

I squeeze his thigh more, not even realizing it. I then feel a hand on my own thigh and a gentle squeeze. I look down and over at Todoroki. I quickly remove my hand, Todoroki just gives a millisecond smile and takes his hand off as well. Then I look down and I realize he has a small boner. That then caused me to stare.

"See something interesting?" Todoroki whispers in my ear as my mom walks away with the dishes
"U-Uhm." I gulp averting my eyes

Todoroki laughs again. My mom comes back in the room and grabs the last bit of dishes. I stand up and I help her. Todoroki just smirks at me and I rush to the kitchen. When my mom meets me in there she hums.

Deku X Todoroki X BakugoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin