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..... Midoriya's POV .....
  A new school... That won't be UA.

  "Deku," Kacchan pulls us apart "you can still come to my house."
  "Yeah." I sniffle
  "But I just hate when that half-and-half bastard is with you." He growls

My chest feels lighter. He's right. I can still visit him. All of my friends also. I'm just not going to be at UA, but that doesn't mean anything bad. I'll meet new friends and I'll still have a chance to be a hero.

"I'll be right back." I shuffle out of bed and head to the kitchen.

My mom is sitting at the table "Mom?"
"Yes Izuku?" She lifts her head up, wiping her eyes
"It's okay," I walk over wiping her tears "I'm okay going to a new school, I don't want to worry you."

  She smiles and laughs. I smile.

"You have always been a good boy," she pulls me into a tight hug "you are the strongest man, my baby boy."
"I love you." I wrap my arms around her
"What do you want for dinner?" She let's go and cups my face
"Anything is fine, Kacchan is here too." I get up
  "Will he eat with us?" She dabs her eyes with a tissue
  "Yeah." I smile
  "Alright then I'll get started." She throws the tissue away and goes to the kitchen

  My heart starts to thump loud. I guess going to a new school can be scary. But I know I'll be able to still do as well!

  That reminds me "When will I leave UA?"
  "When a new school excepts you." She turns around
  Well that won't be long. I go to UA, of course anyone would expect any student from the top school.

  "Deku come here." Kacchan growls from my room
  "What's wrong Kacchan?" I walk into my room, Kacchan is standing my my bed
  "What the hell is this?" He holds a very old journal
  "Ahhh, Kacchan put that down!"  My heart starts racing and my stomach knots
  "Why do you have such a girly thing?" He laughs holding the journal above my head
  "It was a limited addition All Might journal! I didn't want to waste it!" I jump up to grab it but with no luck
  "Jurnal, I had the mostest fun today with... Kacchan." His voice gets quiet "We played in the forest again. Kacchan climbed the more biggest rock!  Hes so cool, I want to be like him wh-"
  "Kacchan!" His eyes shoot down to me
  "Erm," He furrows his brows and actually looks guilty "sorry."
  "Can I have it now?" My face burns
  "Yeah." He places the journal in my hands
  "I thought it was cute." He smiles gently
  "Stop Kacchan." I put the journal in my drawer, along with other All Might ones
  "Read one of your favorite days to me." He stares at me
  "It's embarrassing." I keep my fingers interlocked with the drawer
   "Then I'll read more." He wraps his arm around me and pulls back rough
  "No Kacchan!" I hold onto the drawer, but it pulls it out
  "Let's see." He laughs evilly
  "No!" I snatch the journal and hug it close to my body "I will!"

  He stares at me for a second. Then smirks and raises a brow.

  "Okay go ahead." He sits on my floor
  "Okay." I sit down across from him

  I flip through the pages. This is so embarrassing. I know he will make fun of me, but he looks... interested. I turn to a random page.

  "J-Journal," I blush "I walked over to Kacchan's house, I couldn't wait to give him some of my homemade cookies. He said his mom never gives him sweets because he's always bad. So I want to give him something sweet because Kacchan is someone I look up to. But when I went to the door I heard him outside so I walked to the side. Kacchan was with his friends! So I hurried over but..."

..... Flashback (10 years ago)..... (Midoriya's POV)
  I'm going to give Kacchan these yummy cookies I made for him! He's going to love them since it's his favorite.

  "Hahahah right!" Kacchan?

  Maybe he's in the back.

  "Deku is the worst, he doesn't even have a quirk!" Kacchan's... laughing
  "Yeah and he's so weak and just follows you around everywhere! What's the deal?"
  "I don't know he is so weird." Kacchan is laughing
  "Maybe we should beat him with our quirks so he would stop."
"Yeah let's do that!"

  No, no. Kacchan! Home. I need to get home and, no cookies! His mom is right, no cookies!

..... Midoriya's POV .....

  "But what?" He looks at me
  "Umm but his mom already gave him some cookies so I went home happy, the end." I close the journal
  "Deku, what happened?" He reaches for the journal
  "I already said what happened Kacchan, nothing to get worked up on." I place the journal in the drawer
  "Tsk, fine whatever." He rolls his eyes
  "I'm sure my mom is almost done with dinner, let's go set the table." I stand up and walk to the door
  Kacchan gets up. He walks over to me. I smile. He pushes me out and closes the door. I heard the click. He locked the door.

  "Kacchan! Open the door!" I bang on it
  "Not until I read the journal." I hear the drawer open
  "Kacchan I said it was nothing!" It doesn't affect me anymore

  It goes silent. I put my ear up close to the door. Then I hear him cuss under his breath. The drawer closes and the door unlocks. It swings open.

  "Let's go eat," He sighs "It's nothing now."
  "Thank you Kacchan." I kiss his cheek
  "I have to convince you mom to keep you at UA." He sighs

  "Good luck with that." I laugh.

Deku X Todoroki X BakugoМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя