Chapter 53

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Author: So I wanted to edit this before I posted. This will be the only update for awhile. Sorry. I also lost my 1st position in one of my ranking for my story so that's sad. Thank you for reading! Enjoy!(?)

..... Midoriya's POV .....

"Izuku, breakfast!" I hear my mom call from the kitchen
"I'm coming!" I finish putting on my uniform and I head outside my door to the kitchen
"Here you are dear." She sets hot scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage patties on my plate
"Thank you for the meal!" I clap my hands and dig in
"Is anything fun going to happen at school?" She passed the ketchup over to me
"I think it's going to be the same schedule as usual, nothing new." I take a bite out of the sausage patty
"I thought they were going to do a whole school metting about safety rules." She gives me a look and pours milk in my glass
"I think that's next week." I look at the clock and gasp
"Here's your lunch Izuku." She passes it to me and I shove bacon in my mouth
"Goos ba!" I wave and run out the door (yes it's supposed to be like that)
"Good bye. Be safe!" Was all I heard besides my feet stomping on the concrete and the crunch of my bacon

I take a swift turn and I enter the school grounds. A teacher greats me and I greet him back. I switch my shoes around and I head to my classroom chomping on the last bit of bacon.

  "Good morning Midoriya!" Iida greets with his robot hands
  "Good morning Iida," I look over to the back row "oh, and Todoroki!"  I smile wide
  "Good morning." Todoroki shifts, avoiding my gaze
  "Midoriya, are you ready for the math test?" Iida asks holding our study work
  "I think so. I studied a bit before so I should be prepared." I chuckle
  "Well Midoriya, we still have less than 25 minutes before class starts, let's study!" He sits behind me and I pull a piece of paper out
  "Let's begin I guess."

..... 20 Minutes Later ..... (Midoriya's POV)
  I bring all my papers into a nice stack. Iida moves back to his seat and Kacchan walks in looking grumpy.

  "Good morning Kacchan!" I smile
  "Tsk." He sits down and rests his elbows on my desk
  "Are you okay?" I lean forward to whisper
  "Tsk, why wouldn't I be?" He leans his head back, now we are almost face to face
  "Umm... well... I-I don't know." I feel my face heat up and I lean back, praying no one noticed
  "Baby." He mumbles and sits up as the teacher clears his throat, now beginning the lesson

..... Lunch .....

  "Deku!" Uraraka calls to me
  "Yes?" I whip my head to the side to see her
  "Are you eating with us today?" She smiles giving off a vibrate cheer
"Of course! Let's go." I smile back and I get up

Iida and Uraraka walk beside me. We all talk about the school meeting tomorrow and what it's about. When we enter the cafeteria we all freeze.

"What is this?" Uraraka mumbles
"Some sort of madness." Iida responds
"Let's just get our lunch and sit down." I exclaim walking slowly to the line

When I walk up to the lady I ask for the usual, Katsudon (Pork cutlet bowl), it's rich and fluffy texture makes me want to die a thousand times. I will never replace my Katsudon.

"Deku our table is taken." Uraraka sighs
"Let's just find a different table then." I smile picking up my tray
"But there are no tables left." She frowns
"Then," I look over at all the people "the roof?"
"I guess." She and Iida start to walk ahead, Iida complaining of course

Once we get to the roof we sit down and sigh.

"Even the roof is crowded." Uraraka and I whimper
"I don't understand who these people are!" Iida looks around at the unfamiliar faces
"They are from another school." Todoroki walks up to us
"From another school?" I sigh and look around
"How do you know that?" Iida and Uraraka exclaim
"I heard the teachers talking about it." He sits next to us and eats
"What are they here for?" Iida leans over and looks at Todoroki
"Training," I look around "maybe."
Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki nod in agreement. After a few minutes the bell rings. We all rush and get our stuff. Todoroki leaves before us. Then Iida too. Uraraka and I start walking to the door.
  We almost make it but then all the other people start crowding and getting ahead causing them to block the doorway.

  "Move fat ass!" One screams
  "Keep it going!" They all start screaming and Uraraka looks at me worried
  "This is bad." I mumble
  "Yes it is," she nods
  "Oi, Deku." Kacchan walks up to me
  "Kacchan I didn't know you ate up here!" I smile
  "Push these bastards out of the way." He takes his hands out of his pockets
  "But their are so many people." I try to budge between but there is no gap
  "Tsk, fine I'll do it myself." He growls

  Kacchan steps back. He lifts his hands in the air and makes a huge explosion go off. Everyone stops and screams. Then they look over at Kacchan.

  "Move out of the way bastards!" He screams frightening everyone

  They comply. All of them move out of the way leaving a nice walking path for the three of us. Kacchan grabs my wrist and then I hastily grab Uraraka's hand.

  "That was amazing Bakugo!" Uraraka cheers
  "That was impressive." I wish I had my notebook with me
  "Tsk, it was just to get the bastards away." He stops in front of our classroom and turns back, still holding my wrist.

  He glances at how I was holding Uraraka's hand. He opens the door and Uraraka thanks Kacchan and steps in. Then Kacchan closes the door as calmly as he can.

  "What was that?" He growled
  "I was helping her so she wouldn't get behind." I sigh knowing he is jealous now
  "Come here." He grabs my face and pulls me very close

  He brushes my lips with his own. I get ready to kiss, but, he moves away and opens the door. I stand there surprised; he actually didn't kiss me. I was looking forward to it.

  "Midoriya." Todoroki walks over to me
  "T-Todoroki what are you doing here? Didn't you get ahead?" I nervously chuckle hoping he didn't see that
  "I did, but I wanted to wait for you." He gets really close

  I step back as he continues to get closer. Then he pins me on the wall. I gulp. Todoroki then glides the tip of his finger on my jawline and up to my lips.

  "May I?" He bites his lip and stares at my own
  "Y-Yes." I blush

  He leans down and presses his lips on mine. My body tingles at how gentle he is. After a few seconds he breaks the kiss.

  "Come over to my house tonight."
  "B-But won't you get in trouble?" I grab his sleeves
  "Come through my window, I'll leave it open with some rope down." He gives me another quick kiss and enters the class.

  I enter after and I smile. I can't wait till tonight.

Deku X Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now