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..... Midoriya's POV .....

   I sit in the dumpster. It stinks so bad but I think it will work out well since she won't be able to track my smell over here. I should text Shoto to see how he is doing.

   Shoto are you okay?

  Yeah. Are you okay Midoriya?

  Yeah I'm hiding. I'm worried about Kacchan though since he made the girl go after him.

  He's strong Midoriya, I'm sure he has a plan.

  As he said that I relaxed a bit. I hope he's right about Kacchan though.


  Speaking of Kacchan. He just texted me

  Kacchan are you okay????

   I'm fine. I lost the girl. Where are you?? Tell me so I can get over to you fast and so I can help you Midoriya.

  No. No. That's not Kacchan. He never calls me Midoriya. I need to tell Shoto.

  Shoto Kacchan is in trouble!!! The girl has his phone and she texted me and now I'm worried!!

..... Todoroki's POV .....

   I look at my phone and I look around. I run back to where we all split up. I look around hoping I could hear something.

  Midoriya which way did Bakugo go?

  He went to the left! Wait for me I'm coming!

  No you stay there and contact someone from school. A professional.


  I run off into the woods and I take a left like he said. That's when I hear a giggle. I hide behind a tree and listen.

  "So what do you think would happen if Midoriya does come?" The girl giggles
  "He won't." Bakugo growls
  "What if he tells us where he is?"
  "He's not a dumbass!" Bakugo yells and I hear a groan after
  "Better not get too cocky because he's typing," I look over and I lock eyes with Bakugo
  "What if I show you where he went?" Bakugo says looking away from me
  "You wouldn't." I watch her get up from him
  "Why don't you find out?" I hide behind the tree and I hear them approach to where I am

  I get ready to fight her. I watch Bakugo walk by then right after I take the girl and I swing her to where she's laying on her stomach with her arms behind my back. I sit on top of her with one leg at her feet and the other on her back.

  "Got you." I put ice around her hands and feet to keep her from moving
  "I'm not the only one with backup." She starts giggling and I look around

  I start hearing laughs. More people come out of the woods and I look over at Bakugo. He gets ready to fight. I on the other hand relax. I grab Bakugo's arm and he looks at me surprised.

"Relax." I tell him
"Why the heIl would I do that?" He starts to get annoyed
"Trust me." Then a loud rumble is heard and smoke blinds us
"Need no worry," a familiar voice laughs "I am here!"

Bakugo and I run. We stop and hide in an alley way. I lean back on the wall. I catch my breath and Bakugo does the same. He sits on top of a dumpster and sighs.

"We need to find Deku." Bakugo says
"Yeah, do you have any ide-"
"I'm in here." Midoriya opens the dumpster across from Bakugo.
"Deku you son of a-"
"I'm glad you're safe." I help him out then cover my nose
"Sorry guy," Midoriya blushes "it was the only spot that would cover my smell and for me to hide."
"Whatever." Bakugo hisses

..... Midoriya's POV .....

I try to keep my distance from them. I can smell the stench lingering around me. It's foul. I need to find someplace to shower and quick.

"Do you guys know anywhere that I can shower?" I fiddle with my hands embarrassed
"No." Shoto says
"I think there is one in the hotel there." Kacchan points to a short building.
"Let's go there," I start walking "I need a shower fast."

We rush inside. The man looks at us with a disgusted and confused look.

"Hello," he walks up to us "can I help you?"
"We need a room for a few hours." Bakugo says.
"How old are you kids?" The man starts getting defensive
"We have money," Shoto pulls his wallet out "that's all we need."
"You guys aren't going to do anything..." He looks around "nasty are you?"

Shoto and Kacchan blush. I had to think about it but then my face gets red as an apple.

"Listen here old man," Kacchan steps up "my friend here smells like garbage, get us a room!" The man steps back a bit
"Of course," he gets behind the counter "how long will you be staying?"
"Two hours." Shoto says
"Right," he hands a key "please place the money down and take the key to your room which will be on the third floor, room 113." (I know it's not that easy)

We take the key and place the money. We enter the elevator.

"That bastard jumping to conclusions!" Kacchan yells
"It was a mistake Kacchan." I try to calm him down
"Yeah we can't have the enemies coming after us too so calm down." Shoto steps off the elevator.
"Whatever!" Kacchan slips his hands in his pocket.

We enter the room and I immediately head to the bathroom. I turn the shower on and I grab the things I need. I take a towel and soap. When I step in the warm water feels so nice. I take the soap and I go over my body with it. I clean my most exposed parts to the trash twice. The I wash my whole body again. I take some shampoo and I massage my scalp. When I rinse it I did it once more. I then conditioned and rinsed. When I exit the shower I hear Kacchan yelling. I throw the towel around my waist and I peak around the corner to see him making a fuss.

"Kacchan what's wrong?" He looks over at me with a need to blow something up

..... Bakugo's POV .....

I see Deku stand there freshly out of the shower. Water runs down his face and body. The water trails down his chest and then under the towel. I gulp.

"Nothing you damn nerd!" I yell at him
"Keep it down!" Someone bangs on the wall next to us.
"Whatever you old-!" Then we all heard a woman moan loud.
"Ahh!! K-Ki-Ahh!" I glance at Deku who's face was so red. He looked adorable.

I walk up to him and I smirk. His face is covered with his hands. So I gently remove his hands and kiss his soft lips. I push him into the bathroom and I make out with him. I don't care what I said before,I need him.

"K-Kacchan." He breaths heavily with his hand in my chest.
"Did you use a strawberry scented soap?" I sniff him and he blushes
"I-It was all they had." He trembles with embarrassment
"You're so feminine Deku." I kiss his lips again before he said anything.

Our kiss only got deeper when I made Deku come closer to me. I was about to get deeper into the kiss but someone knocked on the door.

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