Make the Promise

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Author: Sorry for any errors you find in this chapter. I thought it was about time to finish this up and give to you all. Enjoy!(?)

..... Todoroki's POV .....
  I groan and slowly open my eyes. I try to shift but I can't. Midoriya is snuggled up to me on the chair. I didn't actually expect to fall asleep on the chair, no wonder my body feels bad.

"Mmg." Midoriya groans and stretches
"Good morning." I whisper, gently getting his hair out of his face
"Mornin'." He yawns and opens his eyes barely

He lays on my lap for a moment. Then he looks around. Midoriya looks up at me and furrows his brows. After a second his face turns red and he stumbles out of my lap.

"What's wrong?" I stand up too quickly and I fall from my asleep legs
"Erm, we... um well I... we did things and I, erm, I'm embarrassed." He helps me up
"You are so cute." I grab his face and I kiss him gently on his forehead, to his eyes and finally his lips
"Ah, wait I have morning breath." He covers his mouth
"So do I." I kiss his lips more passionately

Midoriya suddenly wraps his arms around my neck, then pulls himself up and wraps his legs around my waist. I get turned on and can't stop. I put my hand under his butt and one hand on his back. He moans and I push him on the wall.
Then I remember what he said. I break away from the kiss and I kiss his cheek.

"Let's get breakfast." I gently set him down
"Oh, okay." He lets a small whimper out
"Remember the deal I made Midoriya?" He thinks and remembers
"That's right! How could I forget that." He bows to me "I am so sorry Todoroki."
"It's okay." I start getting dressed

After a couple minutes we are both dressed to go out. I told Midoriya to wait in my room while I tell my dad I'm leaving for breakfast. Of course he wasn't so obliged to do that so I just ran out of the house.

"Todoroki?" Misoriya pokes his head out of my window and waves

He lets down the big rope. I watch him carefully as he climbs down. Once he is almost there I decide to just grab him and go. Midoriya holds onto me tight as I run out of the property past the guards.

"L-Let me down!" He grabs me tighter

I stop slowly since I was running so fast. He huffs and gets on the ground.

"Where are we going?" He stands up and looks around
"MacDonalds." I point to the glass building across the street with the big yellow M on it
"You should of told me, I got worried." We cross the street and enter MacDonalds
"I'll pay don't worry." I take some cash out
"Are you su-" I cover his lips with my finger and nod
"Hello! Welcome to MacDonalds how may I help you?" The lady greets with a warm smile
"Uh... I'll take two pancakes and sausage." Midoriya looks over at me and blushes
"Okay, and what will you like sir?" She looks at me with the same warm smile
"I'll take the egg biscuit and two mills." I start counting my money out
"Okay! Will you be dining in?"
"Your total is $8.06(871.50 Japanese yen)." She holds her hands out for the money
I gently place the money in her hands and she gives us the change "Thank you."
"Here is your number, please sit and we will be right out with you meal." She hands us the number and we walk away
"Thanks Todoroki, I'll be sure to pay you back!" Midoriya starts mumbling about how to get the money for his meal and how much it cost
"It's okay Midoriya, I said I would pay." I kiss his cheek quickly

Midoriya swoops his head around trying to see if anyone saw. He face slowly turns back to his normal color than red. We sit on a booth at the corner where we can talk more in private. The server comes over with our tray of food and gently sets it down.

"Thank you." Midoriya and I say as the lady bows and walks away

..... Midoriya's POV .....
Todoroki grabs his biscuit and milk. I grab my pancakes and syrup. I open the lid carefully and I pour syrup on them.

"Here you go Midoriya." Todoroki sets the milk next to me
"Thank you." I shove some pancakes in my mouth and melt at the warmth and flavor
"Is it good?" He lets a small chuckle out
"Mmhm!" I blush but continue to eat my delicious food
"You really are cute Midoriya." Todoroki doesn't have any reaction when he says that, he just stares at me with an almost blank expression
"Th-Thank you..." I guess

I shove more melty pancakes in my mouth. They are so fluffy and warm. I want more and more.

"Do you like pancakes?" Todoroki sips his milk
"Um... yeah I do. They are so fluffy and so good!" I smile with joy
"I'll make you some next time."
"O-Okay." My face heats up and I smile "I would like that."

  Breakfast was quick and quiet after that. We finished our meal and headed out. We walked back to his house since I left my stuff there.

  "You stay right here." Todoroki leads me to a bush
  "Okay." I lean against the wall below his window
  "I'll see you at school Monday." He grabs my waist and pulls me into a sweet and passionate kiss, as if we will never see each other again
  "Y-Yeah... see you Monday." I stare into his eyes for a second and he pecks my lips again before heading off

  I hide behind the bush. It's very itchy and uncomfortable. I touch my lips and smile. I love it when he kisses me like he did. He is so sweet.

  "Midoriya?" His voice slightly echos
  "Yes?" I slide out from behind the bush and look up
  "Watch out I'm going to toss your bag." He hold my bag up
  "Right." I step back but I hold my hands out to catch it

  Todoroki leans out the window more and gently tosses and drops my bag. I step back more and catch it. I grunt at how heavy it felt when it landed in my arms. I swing it around my shoulders and wave to Todoroki.

  "Goodbye Todo! I-I... like you a lot!" My nerves got the better of me and I could say love

  Before I heard him answer I ran away too embarrassed and home I went.

Deku X Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now