Small fever?

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..... Todoroki's POV .....
Beep beep beep beep beep bee-
  I hate that alarm. Uhhg why do I feel terrible? I feel hot and dizzy, where am I anyways? I shuffle around and I accidentally touched something

  "Mmmhg." I hear a faint groan and I look down at Midoriya

  He is asleep by my side. His arms are used to support his head. He doesn't look comfortable. What was that alarm for anyways? What day is it?

  "Mi-" before I could say his name I cough and I feel my swollen throat, I guess my throat is dry
  "Mm? What?" Midoriya groggily looks up and around
  "Mi... doe... iya." Was what I could manage to say
  "Todoroki? Oh Todoroki!" He quickly covers his mouth "Are you feeling better? Do you need anything like water or medicine?"
  "Wa..." I cough again
  "I'll get some for you, I'll be right back." He quickly heads off and I'm left alone in his bedroom

  His bed smells good. I feel bad now. I must be a nuisance to him and his mom. This tank top is drenched in sweat, I want a shower.

  "Here you go." He hands me the cold cup of water
  I chug it feeling the ice water hit my dry throat "Thank you." I whisper
  "Of course, here take this also." He hands me two pills and I take them
  "Can I shower please?" All I can do is whisper, my throat hurts
  "Oh of course, let me get that set up I'll be ri-" I grab his hand
  "I'll do it, you have to get ready." I gently slide out of bed

  Once I stand I feel dizzy again and I start to fall. Midoriya catches me quickly and groans. He gently placed me in his bed again.

  "Let me help you, I'll be right back." He runs off again

  I sigh being completely useless.  I owe Midoriya a lot now. Midoriya rushes into the room with clothes and a towel.

  "Come on lets get you to the bath." He helps me up even with all the stuff in his hand

  I try to use him as little as possible but it's hard when I feel sick and dizzy. Midoriya lets me go when we get to a small room.

  "So well I'll help you shower if needed and I'll help you in there so when you get undressed set your clothes on the ground, here is your towel." He sets the clean clothes on a table and the towel in my hand
  "Okay." We walk into the bathroom and he sets me down by the tub full of water
  "J-Just call me when you are covered back up." He swiftly leaves and closes the door

  I take the tank top off and I set on on the ground. I then get the shorts off and the icky boxers. I set them on the ground then I carefully stand up and I wrap the towel around my waist.

  "Midoriya." I try to say louder

  He enters with a bright red face. He sprints to the clothes and picks them up. I walk over to the stole the best I could and I sit down.

  "I'm going to get dressed, I'll be back to help wash your back." With that he left again

..... Midoriya's POV .....
I can't stand it. He's so hot... I-I mean just like temperature hot... heh. Anyways I need to stay focused on helping him since he's sick, but first I need to get dressed. After a couple minutes I rush to the bathroom. Todoroki is slouched down on the stole. He's breathing heavier.

  "Are you okay Todoroki?" I kneel in the floor and he looks at me
  "Fine, I'm fine." He sits up straight and holds the sponge in his hand out
  "Right." I grab the sponge and I gently wash his back
  "Is my uniform clean?" He tries to ask louder
  "It is, it just dried and I put it on the washer." I furrow my brows "Are you sure you are well enough to go to school?"
  "I'm fine, I just have a small fever." He sighs and I finish washing his back
  "If you say so Shoto, but don't over work yourself and go to the nurses office if you are feeling unwell." I place the sponge down and I leave the room

A couple minutes later Shoto enters the kitchen with my mom and I. He sits down and I set a plate of food in front of him. School starts in fifteen minutes and I don't want to rush him so I'll wait till it's about eight minutes. It's a short four minute walk so Shoto will have plenty of time to catch his breath once we are there.

"Did you sleep well Shoto?" My mom places a cold glass of milk in front of him
"I did, thank you for taking care of me." He eats the omelet surprisingly fast
"Here you go Todoroki." I place a black surgical mask beside him
"Thank you." He puts the mask on once he finished
  "Here is you bag, I guess we should go now." We wave to my mom then we start waking

We make it to school with nine minutes to spare. We change our shoes and we head to class. Kacchan looks over at me and 'tsk's. I sit in my seat and I grab my notebook out to study before class. I glance over at Todoroki, he has a book out and he's reading. We lock eyes for a split second before my attention is dragged to Kacchan.

"Don't forget we are having shitty lunch together." He hisses
"Don't worry Kacchan I didn't forget." I give a small smile then I return to my notes

Kacchan growled and turned back around. Everyone is surprisingly quiet today. I can only hear a select few voices. I can hear Froppy, Uraraka, Iida, and a couple more. I put my notes away once the bell rang. Surprisingly Mr. Aizawa is late.

"Well I guess we can slack off for a bit." Kaminari blurted, then everyone agreed
"Oi, Deku." Kacchan glares at me
"Yes Kacchan?" I smile nervously
"We are hanging out after school, you can't say no." He turned back around quickly.

Then Mr. Aizawa walked in and started class.

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