Simple Times

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   "Make sure to do your homework." Mr. Aizawa ended class and we all scrambled out as fast as we could
  "Deku walk home with me." Kacchan tell me
"Eh, um okay." I was taken by surprise just a bit
"What do you mean 'Eh, um'? If you don't want to then get lost." Kacchan walk ahead
"W-Wait no it wasn't like that, I was just taken by surprise is all." I wave my hands in the air defending myself

  Kacchan glances over at me. He doesn't even respond. So I just silently walk behind him clenching my bag worried if he is mad or not.

  "We are eating lunch together tomorrow." He well, demands
  "B-But Kacchan I was going to eat with Uraraka, Iida and Todo-"
  "You are eating with me!" Kacchan stops suddenly and turns around, I run into his chest
  "Ow." I groan and I look up
  "Got it?" He growls
  "D-Did I make you mad Kacchan?" I shyly step back
  "Yes, you did." He turns back around and walks faster to the end of the gate
  "Erm... W-Wait up!" I run after him and after a few seconds I catch up "I don't know what I did to make you so mad but I'm sorry. I will eat lunch with you tomorrow." I pout
"Good." He finally slows down and I walk behind him again

After a few minutes we arrive at my house. Kacchan stops for a second. I hesitate and I reach to open the door. Before I do that I rush back to Kacchan and I grab his hand

"Come inside Kacchan," I smile "please?"
"Fine." We walk to my door

As I was about to open the door my mom opens it. She gasps and sighs when she notices it's me.

"You scared me Izuku." She looks up "Oh and Katsuki."
"Sorry mom."
"Sorry Ms. Midoriya." Kacchan avoids my eyes
"Anyways Izuku, I am going to the store and I'm going to your moms house Katsuki." My mom smiles and kisses my cheek
"Good bye mom." I kiss her cheek and she waves good bye
"Well let's go in." Kacchan pushes past me and takes his shoes off
"Right..." I frown

I close the door and I take my shoes off. I follow Kacchan to my room. I close the door behind us and I sit on the bed waiting for him to say something. I would say something but I'm scared if I do he will snap and kill me... or something.

"What do you want?" Kacchan leans back in my chair and crosses his arms
"Huh?" I meet his piercing red eyes
"You told me to come inside and I am," he sighs "what do you want?"
"I... well I wanted to umm, I just wanted t-"
"Spit it out already." He grumbles something after
"I..." my eyes water up knowing Kacchan is mad at me and I'm making it worse
"Why are you crying now?" His shoulders relax a bit
"N-No reason, I'm sorry." I sniffle and I wipe my eyes
"Damn it Deku." Kacchan sits next to me and forces my head to his shoulder
"N-No please I'm sorry don't worry." I pull my head back and I look away from Kacchan
"You are so emotional." Kacchan sighs
"I just... I feel bad that I always make you mad," I sniffle "I feel like no matter how hard I try I always make things worse and I'm only a problem every time."

It's silent for a couple minutes. Other then my sniffles. I feel Kacchan shift around and sometimes I glimpse at him and he always opens and closes his mouth. Since he can't figure out what to say I just wait for a few seconds more before I can't take it anymore.

"You can go home, I'm sorry to have waisted your time Kacchan." I get up and I open the door
"I'm staying." Kacchan lays on my bed
"No really you don-"
"I said I'm staying." He snaps back
"Okay..." I walk over and I sit in my chair
"You are frustrating." I jolt at what he says and my eyes water more
"But that doesn't mean I'm mad at you," Kacchan kneels infront of me and wipes my tears "you are too kind to people and I guess I get mad easily."
"Do you mean jealous?" I giggle and he pinched my cheek
"Watch it you damn nerd." He growls "Look Deku, maybe I am okay? I just don't like watching you have more fun with shitty half-n-half."
"Kacchan..." I get on the floor with him and I hug him tightly "You are so jealous!"
"Yeah right!" Before Kacchan can pull me off I give him a short sloppy kiss on the lips
"Thank you." I hide my face in the crook of his neck blushing
"Whatever." Kacchan gently wraps his arms around me and makes the hug nice and warm
"Well since we have no homework we can play video games now, just no side games." I smile and I get up
"Then that's boring." Kacchan smiles but sits down

I grab the dusty console out of my closet. I place it gently on the floor and I plug everything in. I grab a controller and I hand it to Kacchan then I grab one for myself. Kacchan scoots closet to the tv and then I sit next to him.

"Get prepared to die." Kacchan laughs
"Yeah right!"I get the game loaded up and we play

After a few hours Kacchan had to leave. I said good bye and closed the door. I sigh. I decide to shower and then sleep. My shower was pretty short. I put shampoo into my hands and I massages my scalp, I gently rinsed my hair in the hot steaming water. I grab my yellow luffa and I scrub my body with body wash, making sure to get all the odor away from training at school. Then I rinse and I exit the shower.

"Izuku I'm home!" My mom calls
"Welcome home mom!" I scream from the bathroom

I wrap my towel around my waist after I towel dry my hair. The mirror is foggy so I wipe it away some. Then I brush my teeth, dry my hair, get dressed and I say good night and I fall fast alseep.

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