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   I straighten up and avoid my eyes. Bakugo turns around and sees who's at the door. He widens his eyes and Midoriya enlightens.

  "You're  Endeavor!" Midoriya smiles and his eyes shine
  "Todoroki," He looks around then at me and growls "who are these kids and who made the mess."
  "They are my classmates," I look at them "Katsuki Bakugo and Izuki Midoriya."
  "Who made the mess?" He asked again in a deep rough voice
  "I did." I say glancing at them
  "Come with me Todoroki," He looks at the others "as for you guys, leave my house."
  "No," I look at him "they are staying and I am not following you."
  He glares at me and clenches his jaw "How did my best son end up so useless," he growls "you are coming with me right now."
  "No!" I growl back
  "Umm... Shoto," Midoriya look at me "it's fine, I can leave."
  "No," I sigh "I will come with you but they are staying."
  "Fine." He says clenching his jaw.

  I walk out with my dad. He leads me to the room. I walk in and I sit down in the chair. He closes the door and locks it.

..... Midoriya's POV .....

  Endeavor comes into the room again and glares at me and Kacchan "Since my son is gone for now and he wished you two to stay," he sighs "you will stay in here until he is back."
  "Yeah right old man," Kacchan growls "I'm leaving."
"Ah, Kacchan wait," I look at Endeavor and back to him "I'm sure he will be back soon so let's wait."
  "Even if you wanted to leave boy, I won't let you." He leaves the room and closes the door.

  Kacchan starts cussing under his breath. I sit on Shoto's bed and I lay down. Kacchan looks at me and growls. He flicks my head and starts cussing again.

  "What was that for Kacchan?" I whine rubbing my head.
  "You got us in this mess and I'm pissed!" He walks to the window and climbs up.
  "What are you doing?" I stammer out of bed and grab Kacchan before he jumps
  "I'm leaving." He jumps and I lose view of him.
  "Kacchan!" I scream.

  I walk back to the bed and plop down. The door opens and Kacchan gets thrown in minutes later. He grunts and gets up. His face has a scratch that is bleeding and his hands are scratched up as well.

  "Kacchan are you okay?" I rush to him and he gets up
  "Those bastards think they can hold me hostage," he growls "I'll show them!"
  "Wait," I grab Kacchan's arm and he flinches "You are hurt, let me clean you up Kacchan."

  He looks at me and turns around. I move him to the bed and he sits. I'm surprised he didn't say no or started cussing me out. I walk into the bathroom and look around for a first aid kit. I find one in a drawer. I open it and grab some alcohol, bandages and wraps. I walk back to Kacchan and he starts licking his blood.

  "Kacchan no!" I run over and hold his tongue
  "What's ar youz doin?" I let go and sigh
  "Don't lick your wound," I grab the alcohol "this is going to sting Kacchan." I dab the Cotten swab with alcohol on it.
  "FUCKING SHIT!" He grabs my wrist and flings me on the bed
  "Ow... Kacchan stay still!" I try to get up but he gets on top.
  "You did that on purpose!" He puts his hand over my face
  "N-No Wait Kacchan," I try to move his hand "I-I just what to help you!"
  "Yeah right Deku!" he pushes his hand closer and his body
  "A-ah wait..." his leg grazed me
  "Fuck." He cusses under his breath
  "Let me help you." I say again

  I move the cotton swap up to his face again and I dab. Kacchan flinches but relaxes after I do it a few more times. I get more alcohol on the swap and gently dabbed it. He put his hand on my face. I removed the swab and he relaxed. I took this chance and flipped him over. I sat on his chest and dabbed the swab. He clenches my thighs as I did. When I finished I put a few bandages on the cut.

  "Now for your hands." I whisper
  Kacchan lifts his one hand "It better not hurt as bad." He mumbled.
  "Don't hurt me if it does." I chuckle and dab his hands.

  Kacchan growl and bites his lip so he can control himself. I wrap his hand and set it down.

  "Other one." I say
  "Mmm...." He looks away and hides his hand.
  "Kacchan give me your hand." I say more sternly
  "No way Deku." He slightly pushes me off
  "Stop being a baby and hand me your hand!" I jump on Kacchan and I got his hand
  "Kacchan it's bleeding bad," I look it over "what happened?"
  "I tried running from the guard," he looked away "but he kept grabbing my hands so I exploded his."
  "Kacchan!" I gently slap him and he growls
  "You still wanna fight Deku?" He pushes me off again and puts his bleeding hand on my face
  "No Kacchan!" He sits on top of me
  "I'm going to fuck you up so bad!" He screams
  "What is going on?" Shoto comes in and looks at us.

  Kacchan is ontop of me with one hand on my face and one hand at my waist. I have one hand on Kacchans arm and one around his neck. I am slightly  close to his face and I'm wearing practically nothing besides boxers and a robe.

  "I was helping Kacchan with his wounds!" I blush
  "Deku is picking a fight with me," he glares "I am going to blast his face off." He chuckles
  "Get off him Bakugo." Shoto says
"Like heIl I am!" He attacks Shoto but Shoto blocks him with his ice
  "Wait Kacchan your hand!" I pull him back on the bed
  "Shoto will you freeze him down with ice?" I know it's a bad thing but he's injured
  "My pleasure." Kacchan grunts and shivers as he is trapped in a block of ice.

  I grab his hand and very gently dab the Cotten swab. He yells and I continue quickly. I wrap his hand and I give it a kiss.

  "What the heIl was that for Deku?" He screams
  "It will get better faster with kisses!" I giggle
  "Well then can you make me feel better," Shoto asks pointing to his injuries "I need a lot of kisses."
  "Uh... what happened?" I look at the marks on his face. He flinches at some when I graze my finger.
  "Nothing." He says looking away
  "I will help you," I smile "sit down."

  Todoroki sits down and melts Kacchan before he gets hypothermia. I look at the empty bottle of alcohol.

  "Todoroki you're out of alcohol," I hold up the bottle "do you have more?"
  "I have some downstairs," he gets up "I'll get some."
  "No," I push him down "I'll find some... somewhere."
  "It's better if I go Mido-"
  "No, you are hurt," I walk to the door "I will look for some."
  "Fine but," he grabs a long white button up shirt "at least put this on."
  "Okay," I take the robe off and I slide the shirt over my head and button the rest up "should I get anything else?"
  "Heat." Kacchan says.
  "Ummm," I giggle "you got Todoroki beside you, he's warm so use him."

  I exit the room. I roll the sleeves up since they are way to big. I walk down the hallway trying to remember where to go. I look at the painting and I get weird looks. I make it to what looks like a family room. A large hand lands on my back and sends shivers down my spine.

  "What are you doing boy?" A deep voice asks.

Deku X Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now