Chapter 50

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..... Bakugo's POV .....

"Katsuki get down here for breakfast!" That hag screams twice now
"I said I'm coming!"

Deku hasn't answered my texts, he didn't even look at them. I can't believe I actually got so upset I said those damn words to him. Fuck me.

"Katsuki!" I slam my fist on my bed
"Coming!" I yell back and I swing my bag over my shoulder walking down the stairs
"About time." She growls setting a plate of food down
"Good morning." My dad says frightened
"Morning." I sit down and I shove toast in my mouth
"Eat up or you will be late." My mom scoops eggs on my plate
"I'm not hungry." I get up with the toast and I walk over to the door
"At least drink some milk Katsuki." My Dad hands me a small carton of milk
"Fine, I'm leaving." I grab the carton and I slam the door.

I'm pissed. If I see his face I will smash it against a wall. Even that half-and-half bastard, he better watch himself.

"Yo Bakugo!" I glare back and I see Kirishima rushing towards me
"Go away." I grumble and walk faster
"Ah don't be like that man, let's walk to school together." He swings his arm around my neck and laughs

I look over at him and sigh. I take a bite of the toast. I look to my right and I see Deku, standing there. He looks horrible, his eyes are red and he looks like he's in regret. Shit, my heart is racing just looking at him. I even dropped my toast. That fucking tie is pissing me off more.

"Your toast... Oh it Mido-" I cover his mouth

Just hearing his name will make me lose my mind. Shit I can't stop staring at him. Maybe I should just walk faster.

"Let's go." I walk ahead of Kirishima
"Why did you cover my mouth?" He catches up to me
"Because I don't want to hear that bastards name!" I snap at him
"Did you guys fight?" He laughs and then slowly lets it die "Oh."
"Talk about it and I'll blow you mouth off." I let sparks go from my hand and he laugh
"Whatever you say."

I enter the class and I feel like everyone is staring at me, especially that shitty half-and-half. How am I supposed to avoid Deku when he sits behind me, will he say anything or do anything?

"Good morning Deku!" Uraraka calls
"Good morning." His voice is flatter
"Are you going to eat lunch with us Midoriya?" Shitty engines asks

After that I block everyone out. I stare out the window. Watching more students walk in. Then I hear the chair pull out behind me, I glance back and Deku and I lock eyes. He looks shocked and he quickly sits down. Damn it. Now I can't get him out of my head.

"Everyone sit down," Mr. Aizawa walks in and everyone sits and looks up front "open your textbooks to..."

I block him out, I follow instructions but it's just boring. How can anyone listen to this for hours.

"Kacchan." That was a hallucination right? "Kacchan." I feel a poke on my back after that soft whisper
"What?" I growl quietly
"Did you mean it?" I turn my whole body around to his.
"No you shit nerd." I try to make his face out but it's blurry
"Well, I don't want you as part of my life anymore. You cause me too much pain to deal with." He sniffles and stand up.

Everyone's heads spins to look at Deku. The room, walls, everything starts spinning. A bright white light surrounds Deku and I flinch. I cover my eyes. Then I see Half-and-half hold Deku and kiss him.

"I'm with him now." Then my eyes open and I suddenly stand
"Shit!" I scream and everyone looks at me
"Is something wrong Bakugo?" Mr. Aizawa looks at me
"I don't feel good can I'm going to the nurse." I grab my bag and I walk out of the classroom

I catch Deku's eyes and then I close the door. I hear the class start muttering once I close the door. The teacher tells them to settle down and I walk away.

..... Midoriya's POV .....
  Kacchan doesn't look well at all. He never falls asleep in class. He always gets straight A's and never skips. What has happened? Did I do that to him?

  "Teacher I don't feel well too, may I go to the nurse for some medicine?" I raise my hand and hold my breath hoping he says yes
  "Go ahead Midoriya, Iida will tell you and Bakugo what happened after class." He motions to Iida who stand up and nods
  "Thank you." I grab my bag with the stuff on my desk and I rush out.

  I stumble down the halls as I try to throw my notebook and pen in my bag. I bump into someone on the way, my stuff flys in the air and I land harshly on the ground.

  "Are you okay Midoriya?" I look up and see All Might
  "A-All Might!" My heart races and a smile forms on my face
  "Stand up young Midoriya, why are you out of class?" He takes my hand and helps me up
  "I well don't feel well." I stumble more picking up and shoving my notebook in the bag
  "Are you going because young Bakugo is there?" It's scary how accurate he is
  "Umm, yeah," I scratch my head and sigh "I know I shouldn't skip class but I am worried about Kacchan."
  All Might grabs my shoulder with his hand and smiles "You know I did that before too." His finger points up in the air as he says that
  "Wow really?" I look at his eyes as they close when he smiles
  "Yes, and for a friend also." He pats my back "Get going, I don't want to keep you."
  "Okay All Might, bye!" My cheeks hurt from smiling but I can't stop

  As I get closer to the nurses office my heart starts throbbing and the smile fads. I hold my chest and I slowly and quietly approach the door. I lean against the wall and I catch my breath. Then I hear voices.

  "Thank you."
  "Of course, take care and don't be back soon Mr. Bakugo." The nurse chuckles

  I panic. My heart raced faster and I get nauseous. The door slowly slides open. I cover my mouth. But the door stops at a crack, I lean over and I'm face to face with Kacchan. My heart drops. Then I realize I am facing his back, I tip toe to the other side of the wall.

  "Here you go." The nurse says
  "Thank you." I hear a crinkle of paper and then the door opens

  I hold my mouth as if it would help me be undetected. I close my eyes and I slide down the wall. I hear his foot steps and then the door shuts.

  "What are you doing?" My eyes flash open and I am looking into Kacchan eyes.

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