Chapter 51

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..... Bakugo's POV .....

  "K-Kacchan!" Deku waves his hands in front of his face and turns his head away from me
"What are you doing?" I get out of his face
"U-Um I wasn't... wasn't feeling well." He glances at me then to the ground
"Tsk, whatever." I turn around and I close my eyes
"Erm, Kacchan?" Deku grabs my sleeve and stands up
"What?" I shift my eyes so I can see him while I have my back to him
"D-Did I cause you to quit?" His voice cracks

I bite my lip. I shove him away and I walk to the roof slinging my bag over my shoulder. I hear Deku stutter and whimper.
My chest feels so fucking tight and my head throbs. I look back and he wipes his eyes and covers his mouth as he shakes. Is he crying? I hear him whimper and he falls on his knees.
  His body trembles as tears fall on the ground. I hide behind the wall closest to him. I hear as muffled cries escape his throat. Sniffles fill the hallways.
I lean against the wall and sigh. Knowing I did this to Deku is bad, I thought he would be happy with shitty half-and-half. Who knew he would break down and cry.

"Oh dear, are you okay?" I stop in my tracks as the nurse walks out
"Y-Yes I'm fine." He gets up and wipes his eyes "I have something in my eye and it hurts."

I hide behind the wall again. She leads him inside and closes the door. I make my way down the hall to the stairs. I climb the stairs and to the roof. I set my bag down and I pull my phone out. I scroll through social media and other nonsense.

..... Midoriya's POV .....
I thank the nurse then leave. I decide to go to the roof since it's the only quiet place to be alone. Hopefully no one is up there. I just need to breath.
I pass a few staff members and All Might again. We talk for a couple minutes before I decide to leave. Training is next but Mr. Aizawa said I could skip, I insisted I continue but he said if I wasn't feeling well enough for class I shouldn't do training. Now I'm stuck and behind.
  I guess I should of waited until lunch to see Kacchan, even then I couldn't exactly confront him. I open the door to the roof and I sit on a bench. Loud music plays behind me so I turn around and I see someone on the other side of the roof. I should ask if they can turn it down.
  I get up and I walk over to there. As I get closer the person becomes more familiar. Way... more familiar. Okay, it's Kacchan. Calm down, calm down.

  "Ka-Kacchan.... Could you turn that down?" I squeak out

  He opens his eyes just a bit. He drops his phone and glares at me. He then gets up with the phone and walks over with the still blasting music.

  "What?" He smirks
  "Can... can you turn it down?" I ask a bit louder still scared
  "Can't hear you?" He points to his ear and I get mad

  I take his phone and I turn down the volume.

  "Oi, shit nerd don't take my phone." Kacchan takes his phone back and slides it in his pocket
  "I asked if you could turn it down and you weren't listening." I cross my arms and scrunch my nose
  "I don't have to listen to you." He walks back to his spot
  "It's not like you ever do anyways!" I stomp my foot
  "What?" He flips his head around
  "You... never listened." I go back together to my shy state
  "Tsk." He sits down on the ground
  "Maybe it was a good thing you gave up, because it was probably for the better." My eyes well with tears
  "Wha..." He looks at me shocked but quickly changes his expression
  "Do you really not love me anymore?" My voice gets hoarse
"Of course I do bastard." He mumbles quiet enough to where I can't hear
  "What?" Tears slip
  "I never said I stopped loving you bastard!" He screams sending me to jump
  "Then don't quit." I turn around and walk back

My face heats up. My body shakes and I smile. I finally told him that. I was scared he would get really mad and blow my head off... literally. I'm glad he didn't.
I continue to walk away. Then I hear an explosion and I turn around immediately. I see Kacchan fall to the ground.

"Kacchan are you okay!" I run up to him and I lean over
"Shit nerd." He grunts and sits up
"What happened?" I stand back as he gets up and he looks at me
"Nothing." He puts his hands in his pockets and looks away

I sigh. Knowing Kacchan, he won't tell. Maybe he did get mad but decided to hide it.

"Well, I'll go then." I walk away

I get to the other side of the roof and I watch as he pulls his phone out and sighs.

..... Lunch Break..... (Bakugo's POV)

"You did what?" Kirishima laughs
"I blew up from embarrassment." I clench my fist and teeth
"From... from what?" He tries to contain his laughter
"From shit nerd Deku!" I slam my fist on the table
"Hahah!" He starts hitting the table and he holds his stomach
"Laugh again and I'll blow you to pieces." Little sparks go off from my palms
"I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry." He wipes his eyes from tears
"Tsk." I look away and at Deku

He has his back towards me. He's talking with shitty engine and that gravity weirdo. Why does he even hang out with them? I'm better!

"Are you watching your boyfriend?" A chuckle escapes when he asks
"What?" I glare at him and he leans back in his seat
"I mean you guys are dating right?" He drinks the rest of his milk making a loud slurping sound
"Tsk, he likes half-and-half bastard as well." I clench my fist
"And to think you were going to give up." He sighs and grabs his tray
"He pissed me off when I saw that bastard holding Deku." I pick my own tray up and we put them away
"Hah, yeah you have jealousy issues huh?" We head to the class room
"Only with that one bastard." I put my hand in my pocket
"So you won't get jealous if I make a move?" He laughs
"You wouldn't."
"Yeah I know, I'm just messing with you." We get to class and sit down at our own desk, not speaking anymore since other people are in the classroom.

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