Chapter 10:Temporary Wife

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POV Alessandra Siciliano

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POV Alessandra Siciliano

A baby.

That was the last thing I wanted as I chugged down another glass of wine, his words repeatedly echoed into my ears. I had seen it in his eyes how desperately he wanted it, he wanted to be a father. The father of my the father of Alessia's child.

I had him in many ways no sister in law should have their brother in law, I had had him deep inside me taking me into cloud nine full of pleasure and desire. Our body had be tangled together, moulded perfectly.

I wanted him at that was not a lie, but I had not forgotten my position. I was a temporary wife, someone who he would consider wife until his wife returned and decided my time was up and I could go back to living my life.

But that did not mean I wanted too.

I wanted to remain with him, see through my adulthood, bare his children, live through elder hood before dying with his love. But it was too much to ask, too much to desire. I wanted something that was forbidden like the forbidden fruit in the story of Adam and Eve.

"Another glass." I ordered the bartender who silently listened, refilling my glass and handing it to me. Once again, I chugged the glass full of alcohol down my throat.

"Mrs Nikolaev." The feminine voice snapped my attention, I smiled at the stranger who seemed to recognise me but I could not remember her. Realising she did not recognise me she recognised Alessia, the golden girl.

"What a pleasure to meet you." I spoke slurring at my own words, I was obviously drunk. I had not counted how many drinks I have had, but it was obviously a lot as I was not a light drinker.
"I'm good, My husband seems to be joining alliance with your husband." She spoke proudly. The women was in her late forties, her red hair was pulled into a tight bun, she had worn a bright red lipstick which matched her hair and a black gown.

"I see, that sounds amazing. The more the merrier." I spoke. I began to wonder if had said something wrong, because instantly the grin on this strangers face disappeared into a confusion.
"Your different. A few months ago you had cursed me and challenged me that your husband would never partner with mine, and now your being all friendly?" The women's name was still unknown but the question she asked had left my mouth dry. I was speechless and thinking the response I can give her.

"I have decided that hatred can not lead me no where, so I have decided to put that behind me and be a new me." I spoke, the women looked suspicious but I'm the end smiled.
"Let's start afresh, shall we. Maurice Campbell." She extended her hand, it felt good that now I did not need to call her 'stranger' or 'unknown women', I now knew her name.

"Alessia Nikolaev." I shook her hand, Maurice smiled.
"I see our alliance have brought our wives together." Another unknown voice came making me turn towards it, there stood Petrov with an unknown man who I am assuming was Maurice's husband.

"Yes, Jacob. Me and Alessia have decided to put our childish act behind us, I should have been mature I  am older than her." Maurice explained with a smile, I shook my head and squeezed her palms.
"I was childish myself, I am married and I should  ensure that friendship is important that hatred and enemies." I saw a smile lift up on Petrov's lips pleased by what I said. He left Jacob Campbell's side and came to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well we should toast to this new friendship." Maurice spoke, lifting her glass filled with red wine everyone agreed except me.
"Sorry, I have already had too much but Petrov will drink behalf of me." I spoke, the three of them nodded their head in understanding.

"When shall we do the meeting?" Asked Jacob, sipping his drink. Petrov places his glass on the counter and nodded his head.
"I am scheduled for the entire week, but when I return from my trip I will give you a call."Petrov spoke which made Jacob nod his head in agreement, I turned to look at the clock which hung on the wall and realised we had been here for a while.

Petrov had seen my gaze on the clock and seemed to realise that it was about time to leave.

"We will be taking our leave, I will contact you soon." Petrov shook hands with Jacob, where as Maurice had pulled me into a hug.

"It will be a pleasure to do business with you." Jacob announced and Petrov nodded his head in agreement. Once again, Petrov wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked towards the door where we had walked in a few hours ago.

"It was surprising too see you and Maurice Campbell getting along, I knew you didn't want any business to be done with the Campbell. But Jacob is good friend of mine, and an strong business person." He spoke, once we got inside the back seat car. The driver closed the door once we got inside.

"Listen, Petrov you do not need to tell me why you have chosen to do business with the Campbell. You have more experience in this sector, and I was childish and acted in a horrible manner. I apologies." I spoke with a small smile on my lips, Petrov smiled and cupped my cheeks with his palms and pecked my lips.

"I am glad I am married to you." He whispered, a smile appeared on my lips.
"And I am glad to be married to you." I whispered back, he dropped his palms from my cheeks and rested it around me and I laid my head on his chest.

"I will miss you when I go on the trip."

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