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QUESTION 1. What is your name (or nickname/pen-name if preferred)?
— I either go by Ahman (Ah-Men) or Manda since my name since it's what everyone says is the easiest to pronounce lol.

QUESTION 2. What started you on the path to writing?
— I would always write with my sister when I was in middle school and high school. Originally, I wanted to be a director or a play writer; anything that had to do with the arts. But, just being able to enjoy reading played a part also.

QUESTION 3. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer, and specifically in the genre of urban fiction?
— When I would constantly read urban books that had the same plot for their characters, especially the women. It's always the plot where the woman was heartbroken because of a boyfriend, and I never read a book where the woman might have been heartbroken, but she was never weakened by it. I got tired of reading the same "battered and bruised" black woman and "Abusive black man" stories where another man has to fix her up.

We're not all like that—we all don't want to read about that. ALSO, because I got tired of seeing black girls (young and old) writing stories where their lead was anything but black. It made me feel like we weren't allowed to have our own narrative when we deserved one.

QUESTION 4. When did you write your first book and how old were you?
— My FIRST book was written when I was in Kindergarten, and it was about a boy with an alligator tail lol. But something I wrote with substance was when I was 16, and ironically, it wasn't urban fiction; it was supernatural.

QUESTION 5. Who are some of your favorite authors on and off Wattpad?
— On Wattpad: it's _Simba__, creolelady RVMBIIE, miyahpapayah leelahrose, summerdreamin There's definitely a few more, but they definitely get me excited to update cause they work their asses off each chapter they post, and book they make.

Off Wattpad: I love F. Scott Fitzgerald way too much. I've read just about everything he's published. Also, Octavia E. Butler, and overall a lot of poets (Reyna Biddy, etc.) That's where some of the inspo comes from.

QUESTION 6. How long have you been writing?
— Aside from the kiddie stuff, since I was in middle school, and I'm 22 now.

QUESTION 7. How do you think you've evolved creatively?
— I think I'm more open to other ideas than I was before. Even if they seem crazy and I don't think they could work.... I work with them and mold them until they do. Also, I think as music evolves over the years, what I write followed that. I get a lot of inspiration from listening to a lot of music, and play with the idea of how the song could play into how I want a chapter— or book as a whole to go.

QUESTION 8. Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre? If you write more than one, how do you balance them?
— I've written in urban and what's considered science fiction/supernatural. I balance them by giving both genres space. I don't finish one, and hop right into the next book to write that chapter. I did it once and it was a shitty update because it was too much going on. Spacing out the thought process is honestly the best way to balance. Spend a week or two on one book, then move to the next.

QUESTION 9. What are the upsides and downsides to being an author?
— Upsides: the creative ideas and urges.
Downsides: writers block, and dealing with people who believe they know your plot, characters better than yourself at times lol. And having to not rush to start a new book when a new idea pops in your head (I have six drafted stories right now that I wanted to start publishing, but I gotta pace myself). Finally, people stealing your work and ideas, and using it as their own (it's happened to me three times... I definitely wanted to fight).

QUESTION 10. What do you love most about the writing process?
— Seeing the responses/comments when you finished a chapter. It helps to see if I'm going in the right direction with a chapter, and I get to see how they feel about each character. And the overall creativity and freedom you have.

QUESTION 11. Why do you write? What keeps you motivated during creative slumps?
— It helps to separate me from whatever's going on, and get ideas out of my head that I try to see how I would react if this, that, or the other, happened. Knowing others are looking forward to a update is motivating as hell.

QUESTION 12. Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
— Each book gets outlined. I know the beginning and end of every book that I've made (published and unpublished on Wattpad). It helps to keep me on track, because I get side tracked easily.

QUESTION 13. How many books have you written?
— Genuinely, over eight.

QUESTION 14. Out of all the books you've written, do you have a favorite?
— For the books that are published on here, it switches between "SEASONS" and "SET IT OFF", a lot.

QUESTION 15. If someone is brand new to your work, what book do you think they should start with?
— If they want something that they don't have to keep up with chapter by chapter each time it gets updated (like a quick read), I'd say "IMAGINE". If they want a long term read, I would start with "SEASONS" and work my way to the others lol.

QUESTION 16. What do your fans mean to you?
— I love them. They're not even fans at this point in life; they're like friends and we collectively call each other hoes to solidify it, lol. They keep me on my toes when I don't update in time and have no problem coming for me when I say "soon". They give feedback, they get attached to the characters, and that's what I love. We even follow each other on other social media's. They definitely are IT.

QUESTION 17. What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
— If you don't have the amount of reads that you want, or followers, that doesn't mean stop what you enjoy doing. Keep writing, because someone is out there sharing the link to your story with others, and you don't know where that can take you on this app lol. Take your writing seriously, and always allow inspiration to lead ya.


Thank you so much for accepting to do this interview mochahontaz please take the time to check out her works; just deep and rich writing!

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