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QUESTION 1. What is your name (or nickname/pen-name if preferred)?
— My name is Brianna, but I prefer Bri.

QUESTION 2. What started you on the path to writing?
— My mom is a published writer and has been writing since forever. I watched her from the sidelines during Elementary this school. Around 3rd or 4th grade, my teacher told us to write a story about whatever we wanted to. I wrote about a girl named Ana stranded on an island, and all my friends loved it. I won several writing contests in elementary, and I began thinking I could really go far with writing.

QUESTION 3. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer, and specifically in the genre of urban fiction?
— I realized I wanted to be a writer late last year. I was constantly career-hopping after figuring out I didn't want to be a lawyer. I wrote just to blow off steam and express myself. I was talking to a close friend about Wattpad and she began to tell me how much I've grown and how great of a writer she thought I was. I decided I had a shot at it. I've always had an interest in urban fiction because I could relate to it in some kind of way. I always want to see characters like me in books.

QUESTION 4. When did you write your first book and how old were you?
— I wrote my first book around the age of eight during a stressful time. My grandmother had just passed and it was my way to escape reality. The first book I wrote on Wattpad was when I was ten. It was a fanfic; I still cringe at it till' this very day.

QUESTION 5. Who are some of your favorite authors on and off Wattpad?
— On Wattpad: madandbougie sensational_ cyntimental
Off Wattpad: Definitely Walter Dean Myers, James Patterson, and Stephen King.

QUESTION 6. How long have you been writing?
— I've been writing for about 8 or 9 years. For as long as I can remember, I've been scribbling words down on paper, trying to form a story.

QUESTION 7. How do you think you've evolved creatively?
— I do believe I've evolved, but in a different way. Before I started Wattpad, I was writing dystopian fiction and murder mysteries at the age of eight. My work was great for someone my age. I discovered Wattpad a couple years later and my creativity quickly declined. I saw a lot of stories on Wattpad and became worried my story wasn't good enough. I started copying what others did, so that my stories would be good enough. After a while, I realized no one was reading my stories and decided to go back to what I wrote before. Since my decision, I've fell in love with my work, regardless of who liked it.

QUESTION 8. Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre? If you write more than one, how do you balance them?
— I write in multiple genres (mostly in my drafts). For the most part, I balance them out by planning them meticulously. I mostly enjoy writing in the mystery/thriller, urban, and science fiction categories.

QUESTION 9. What are the upsides and downsides to being an author?
— The upside to being an author is being able to express yourself and create. Creation is a powerful thing. As an author, you can touch many people just by expressing yourself. The downside is that there will always be someone who hates your work. You'll always have a moment where you hate a part of your work or a lot of it.

QUESTION 10. What do you love most about the writing process?
— My favorite part is finalizing the plot. It's so satisfying to see what you developed truly become an actual story.

QUESTION 11. Why do you write? What keeps you motivated during creative slumps?
— I write to just let off steam and express myself in a way no one really understands. Writing provides me with an indescribable sense of self. During my creative slumps, my motivation is my friends. My friends are the ones who constantly support me and give me advice. I also tend to watch a lot of movies and read a lot more in my slumps to get the juices flowing.

QUESTION 12. Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
— It depends on the book I write, but I'm mostly a by-the-seat-of-your-pants. Mostly because I'm so indecisive and I love twisting around my plot to see how I can intrigue and frustrate my readers.

QUESTION 13. How many books have you written?
— Too many to count. On Wattpad, maybe about 30 something including drafts. I've only finished about two. I always start disliking the book and deleting it completely.

QUESTION 14. Out of all the books you've written, do you have a favorite?
— My favorite is either pure or the art of getting away with it. I love them both because they represent my two favorite styles of writing. They both need to be rewritten, but I really fell in love with the plot.

QUESTION 15. If someone is brand new to your work, what book do you think they should start with?
— I think they should start with the art of getting away with it because I'm proud of it and the plot.

QUESTION 16. What do your fans mean to you?
— They mean the world to me. They're my number one supporters, even above my family because they don't support me much. They make me feel good about my skills and potential as a writer.

QUESTION 17. What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
— Write with your heart then edit with your head. Scribble down what you feel and later, edit and revise it. Also, write for yourself and no one else. Writing for others only lowers your confidence in your writing. Always take constructive criticism with an open-mind and actually put it into action.


Thank you so much for accepting to do this interview artsyheaux can definitely relate to so many things you said. Please take the time to check out her works; she's got the best style of writing; it's A-1.

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