I open my mouth to reply probably lie to him when I'm saved by Mr Grey. I mentally thank him for saving me. The teacher tells everyone to sit down and Axel prepare to exit the class but not before leaving a few words of advice.

"We're not done princess." He declares and leave. What it Is about today and unfinished business. First it was Ray now it's Axel and who will It be next. At least school is almost out. The lesson goes by and I take as much notes as I can. The bell rings and I pack my things slowly. 

I glance up to see if Harry's patient is depleted but I don't see him. Weird. By now he would've budge in and shove my things in my bag. I shrug it off then get up and walk outside. When I walk out I see that he's not here either. Unusual. He's always leaning against the wall when I walk out. If I'm early that is.

I begin walking towards the exit. It's weird walking alone on this halls. Although I've done it countless times before Harry it's weird now walking alone. I'm so weird. I'm not saying he should always be with me but I'm not used to being without him. He can have his own life without me no problem but walking without him makes me feel like I'm a walking target. Okay, that's a little dramatic but I just want to know why he didn't come get me. It's so out of character, especially for Harry. I continue to walk and just as I'm about to walk into my next class I bump into non other than Nicole and her bimbos.

"Watch were you're going idiot." She snap and I bite my tongue so I can't apologise. I won't bow down. Harry always tells me to demand respect just by using a glare and ooze confidence with a simple walk.

"Watch were you're going stupid." I counter. I'm not good with confrontations but I think I did a good job. I add a mean glare. I'm the girlfriend of this school's King I should be the Queen yet people didn't part when I walked by because I was alone.

"Watch your tone bitch." And her minions comes to her side. "I don't see your boyfriend here or your friends for that matter. Who's gonna protect the little lost princess." He pinch my cheeks and a swat her hands a bit rough.

"Get your hands off me." I raise my voice to a threatening level. Her minions comes forward protecting her and I gulp as we attract attention. I've never been one to be involved in feuds or attract attention. I prefer the background where it's safe.

"You might be dating the King but I am the Queen of Ransom Everglades. Get that through your thick greasy skull. You're nothing you here me nothing." She shouts earning more attention. I've never wished for Harry's protection more than I do now. I open my mouth to counter but no words come out. My palms begin to sweat and I feel anxiety rising.

"What princess." She coos. "Cat got your tongue. I will destroy you. You're nothing but a lost princess wh-"

"Enough." I sigh at the interruption. I turn around but it's not who I thought it was. I look at him.

"Mason." I whisper as my heart start beating faster. It's fear but a different kind of fear. It's unexplainable but I know I fear him.

"Get lost Nicole before I tell all these people your secrets." He threatens calmly. I'm thankful to him but I also don't know what to do. The bell rings and instead of walking inside the classroom where it's safe, I stay rooted in my position.

Mason grab my wrist and start walking the opposite direction of class. I look at his hand around my wrist and notice tattoos picking. I knew he had tattoos because I once saw the picking on his neck but judging by those picking through his blazer now I'd guess he has a lot of them.

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