Chapter Thirty-Six: Battle of Egypt Pt2

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With Simmons and Kento, they saw Devastator was scaling the pyramid, firing cables from his clawed hands, helping the massive Decepticon as it began to climb the ancient megastructure.

"The Planet Collider..." Kento realised. "Of course! The pyramid must be built directly over the machine, concealing it from the rest of the world."

"If they turn that machine on..." Simmons looked up over at the sun. "... no more Earth."

"And no more Cybertron." Kento added in worry.

"Well, not on my watch! Not. On my... watch!" Simmons declared, and began to climb up the pyramid with Kento, following after Devastator, as it continued to make its way up to the top.

Simmons soon got a radio, and he started to try and contact someone. He managed to get a connection with someone, and locked onto the signal.

"USS Stennis. Identify." A male voice replied on the radio.

"Where the hell are you?!" Simmons demanded. "Watching the Weather Channel?! SportsCenter?! I Dream of Jeannie or something?! We got 300 satellites up there. Where the hell are all our men?" He demanded.

"Identify yourself." The male voice ordered.

Simmons grunted. "What is your name, sailor?!" He asked.

"Wilder, Captain of the USS John C. Stennis aircraft carrier." The male voice informed sternly.

"Okay, Captain Wilder. This is Agent Seymour Simmons of Sector Seven. There is the mother of all non-biologicals getting ready to destroy our world with another planet."

"Do you want to have a throwdown about my associate's lack of clearance, or do you want to help save a gazillion lives?" Kento asked over the radio sternly.

"All right, Agent Simmons. I'm listening." Captain Wilder states.

"Okay. Coordinates: five klicks West of the Gulf. We've got ourselves a gigantic Construction remodelling one of the pyramids." Kento states next, seeing Devastator start to smash apart the top section of the pyramid.

"Our one hope is a prototype weapon called a rail gun, shoots a steel projectile at Mach 7." Simmons informed.

"That's classified." Captain Wilder stated on the radio.

"DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT CLASSIFIED, ALL RIGHT?!" Simmons yelled out on the radio. "Now, if you've got a battleship in the Gulf, which I know you do, you tell them to READY THAT WEAPON!"

"Well, it's show time." Kento commented, he and Simmons continuing their climb up the pyramid.


Meanwhile, Braedey and Moka-sama kept on running; the two could see the outlines of Decepticons in the village, shooting at where the Autobots and the soldiers were. It was obvious the two vampires were getting tired, but they kept on running. After what felt like forever, they made a stop behind a partially fallen wall. Then, the two saw Arcee, Chromia, Elita-One, and Ironhide just ahead of them.

"I've spotted Braedey!" Arcee called to Ironhide, and Chromia raced up to the two vampires.

"Braedey!" Ironhide called.

"Ironhide." Braedey sighed in relief. "Girls."

"You have no idea how great it is to see you." Moka-sama sighed in relief.

Chromia raced over and stood in front of the two. "Follow us to the pillars. We'll take you to Optimus." She told them, and Moka-sama nodded.

"Chromia, get down!" Braedey tackled the McLaren Autobot down, dodging a blast from a Decepticon that ambushed them.

Transformers: Rosario + VampireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz