Author [@kmbell92]

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Welcome, everyone. Today we have the lovely kmbell92

A big thank you to her for taking the time to answer these questions. This is literally such an honour because I have read her books from the beginning and i reread them all the time and fall in love all over again. her books are absolutely amazing and If you haven't read her books then please do. They're amazing...

Without further ado...


1. What inspired you to start writing?
 When I was younger, I remember listening to bedtime stories and I always liked coming up with my own stories. I guess that just stayed with me and after I learned to write, I started and never stopped.

2. Did you have any writers' block along the way? how did you get past them?
Writer's Block hits me plenty. But I think it's important for writers to understand that it's okay to take a step back from work. You don't want to get frustrated with a story because it definitely kills the mood, so leave it for a bit. Music helps me a lot too, but I like to write my characters in different storylines, like little one-shots that have nothing to do with their original storyline. It can be incredibly far-fetched, such as taking two characters from a fantasy work and putting them in modern reality. It gets the creative juices flowing.

3. Do you see yourself in any characters and why?
 I see myself in all my characters. I know a lot of writers and readers are against self-insert, but it's best to put a little bit of yourself in your characters. I use my past experiences, my mistakes, and such and use them in my character's development. It makes them more relatable to me and more human since you want to bring your characters to life.

4. How old are you?
 I am twenty-seven.

5. How old were you when you started writing?
 I was probably around seven years old when I first started writing stories.

6. Can you remember what you felt when you first started writing? what did you feel?

 I can remember having fun with my storytime. I could make them as silly or crazy as I wanted to. Story-telling or writing always made me happy because I had control over what happened. And I enjoyed having them be a source of entertainment to my family when I read my stories out loud. 

7. What's your outside life like?

 It can be a little hectic in real life. I currently run a behavioural clinic for children, which demands a lot of my time. Not to mention, I have two little corgis that demand my attention when I'm home. It's nice to have a little escape when I need one. 

8. Where do you get your ideas from?
My inspiration comes from all over, from watching movies or shows, to reading books. It can come from things that happen in real life, I can't just give credit to one thing. Music and long showers help too. 

9. What do you like to do when you're not writing?

When I'm not writing, I like to knit, read, watch television, play with my dogs, make character edits. I've also picked up baking so I've been practising some skills and working on recipes. 

10. What does your family think about your writing?

My family has always been supportive of my writing. My grandparents always encouraged it and definitely are the ones responsible for my reading addiction. They read stories to me at bedtime every night when I was little and that started my love for story-telling. So really, I owe it to them.

11. What do you think makes a good story?

 I think because there are so many genres and styles of writing, what one considers to be a bad story, might be a good story to someone else. To me, if the author is trying to convey a message, I hope that it's a good message because some books have a very strong influence on their readers. If there is to be romance, allow it to be natural instead of forced for fan service. And if you have a story to tell and you're passionate about it, that's all that really matters.

12. What's your favourite genre?

 I am a huge fan of the fantasy genre. I love exploring new worlds and new creatures. I like worlds of magic and where the impossible is possible.

13. Do you write on wattpad or do you use software (like Microsoft word)?

 I usually write on Wattpad unless I'm travelling, then I use Microsoft Word or Google Documents. 

14. What's the hardest thing to write, for you and why?

. I think death is the hardest thing for me to write, simply because I'm quite sensitive to it. I think a lot of people use grief and death for character development, but I don't think it makes a story. I also think the beginning of the story is the hardest to write since you have a limited amount of writing to draw your reader in.

15. Do you work on an outline or just go with the flow? 

 I do both depending on the story. Sometimes if I have a lot of inspiration, I can outline the whole story. And with filler material or some scenes, I just go with the flow.

16. Do you have anything specific you want to say to readers?

 The relationship between writers and readers is crucial. Writers need readers and readers need writers. Remember that a writer grows as time goes on and the more they write, constructive criticism is needed, but it's all about how you go about it. Be supportive of writers, help them grow, and in return, they will do their best to entertain you and make you happy with a good story. Your comments give them inspiration, every read counts, and you're very important to every story. 

17. And lastly, Do you have any advice for new writers.
 To writers, when you are first getting started, just write. That first draft, just get it out. Even if you find it cringy later on, at least you have something to go on. Ignore advice books in the beginning, many of them are often discouraging. You can always polish your work afterwards. Remember, not everything is going to happen overnight. Your writing will improve the more and more you do it.Don't be afraid of constructive criticism. This was my biggest hardship when I started writing. It's not an attack on your work, it's how to make your work better. We all want our books to be the next bestseller, but it takes a lot of work to get there. If you think your work is perfect, it isn't, and that's okay. 


There you have it, don't forget to vote, comment and share. Also if you want a specific author to be interviewed then please let me know.

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